
Programming language: Go
License: MIT License
Tags: Security    

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A simple, semantic and developer-friendly golang package for encoding&decoding and encryption&decryption

Dongle has been included by awesome-go, if you think it is helpful, please give me a star




// By github
go get -u github.com/golang-module/dongle

import (

// By gitee
go get -u gitee.com/golang-module/dongle

import (

Usage and example

Encode and decode

Encode and decode by hex
// Encode by hex from string and output string
dongle.Encode.FromString("hello world").ByHex().ToString() // 68656c6c6f20776f726c64
// Decode by hex from string and output string
dongle.Decode.FromString("68656c6c6f20776f726c64").ByHex().ToString() // hello world

// Encode by hex from byte slice and output byte slice
dongle.Encode.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByHex().ToBytes() // []byte("68656c6c6f20776f726c64")
// Decode by hex from byte slice and output byte slice
dongle.Decode.FromBytes([]byte("68656c6c6f20776f726c64")).ByHex().ToBytes() // []byte("hello world")
Encode and decode by base16
// Encode by base16 from string and output string
dongle.Encode.FromString("hello world").ByBase16().ToString() // 68656c6c6f20776f726c64
// Decode by base16 from string and output string
dongle.Decode.FromString("68656c6c6f20776f726c64").ByBase16().ToString() // hello world

// Encode by base16 from byte slice and output byte slice
dongle.Encode.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByBase16().ToBytes() // []byte("68656c6c6f20776f726c64")
// Decode by base16 from byte slice and output byte slice
dongle.Decode.FromBytes([]byte("68656c6c6f20776f726c64")).ByBase16().ToBytes() // []byte("hello world")
Encode and decode by base32
// Encode by base32 from string and output string
dongle.Encode.FromString("hello world").ByBase32().ToString() // NBSWY3DPEB3W64TMMQ======
// Decode by base32 from string and output string
dongle.Decode.FromString("NBSWY3DPEB3W64TMMQ======").ByBase32().ToString() // hello world

// Encode by base32 from byte slice and output byte slice
dongle.Encode.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByBase32().ToBytes() // []byte("NBSWY3DPEB3W64TMMQ======")
// Decode by base32 from byte slice and output byte slice
dongle.Decode.FromBytes([]byte("NBSWY3DPEB3W64TMMQ======")).ByBase32().ToBytes() // []byte("hello world")
Encode and decode by base58
// Encode by base58 from string and output string
dongle.Encode.FromString("hello world").ByBase58().ToString() // StV1DL6CwTryKyV
// Decode by base58 from string and output string
dongle.Decode.FromString("StV1DL6CwTryKyV").ByBase58().ToString() // hello world

// Encode by base58 from byte slice and output byte slice
dongle.Encode.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByBase58().ToBytes() // []byte("StV1DL6CwTryKyV")
// Decode by base58 from byte slice and output byte slice
dongle.Decode.FromBytes([]byte("StV1DL6CwTryKyV")).ByBase58().ToBytes() // []byte("hello world")
Encode and decode by base64
// Encode by base64 from string and output string
dongle.Encode.FromString("hello world").ByBase64().ToString() // aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=
// Decode by base64 from string and output string
dongle.Decode.FromString("aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=").ByBase64().ToString() // hello world

// Encode by base64 from byte slice and output byte slice
dongle.Encode.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByBase64().ToBytes() // []byte("aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=")
// Decode by base64 from byte slice and output byte slice
dongle.Decode.FromBytes([]byte("aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=")).ByBase64().ToBytes() // []byte("hello world")

Encode and decode by base64URL
// Encode by base64 from url string and output string
dongle.Encode.FromString("www.gouguoyin.cn").ByBase64URL().ToString() // d3d3LmdvdWd1b3lpbi5jbg==
// Decode by base64 from string and output url string
dongle.Decode.FromString("d3d3LmdvdWd1b3lpbi5jbg==").ByBase64URL().ToString() // www.gouguoyin.cn

// Encode by base64 from url byte slice and output byte slice
dongle.Encode.FromBytes([]byte("www.gouguoyin.cn")).ByBase64URL().ToBytes() // []byte("d3d3LmdvdWd1b3lpbi5jbg==")
// Decode by base64 from byte slice and output url byte slice
dongle.Decode.FromBytes([]byte("d3d3LmdvdWd1b3lpbi5jbg==")).ByBase64URL().ToBytes() // []byte("www.gouguoyin.cn")
Encode and decode by base85
// Encode by base85 from string and output string
dongle.Encode.FromString("hello world").ByBase85().ToString() // BOu!rD]j7BEbo7
// Decode by base85 from string and output string
dongle.Decode.FromString("BOu!rD]j7BEbo7").ByBase85().ToString() // hello world

// Encode by base85 from byte slice and output byte slice
dongle.Encode.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByBase85().ToBytes() // []byte("BOu!rD]j7BEbo7")
// Decode by base85 from byte slice and output byte slice
dongle.Decode.FromBytes([]byte("BOu!rD]j7BEbo7")).ByBase85().ToBytes() // []byte("hello world")
Encode and decode by safeURL
// Encode by escape from url string and output string
dongle.Encode.FromString("www.gouguoyin.cn?sex=男&age=18").BySafeURL().ToString() // www.gouguoyin.cn%3Fsex%3D%E7%94%B7%26age%3D18
// Decode by escape from string and output url string
dongle.Decode.FromString("www.gouguoyin.cn%3Fsex%3D%E7%94%B7%26age%3D18").BySafeURL().ToString() // www.gouguoyin.cn?sex=男&age=18

// Encode by escape from url byte slice and output byte slice
dongle.Encode.FromBytes([]byte("www.gouguoyin.cn?sex=男&age=18")).BySafeURL().ToBytes() // []byte("www.gouguoyin.cn%3Fsex%3D%E7%94%B7%26age%3D18")
// Decode by escape from byte slice and output url byte slice
dongle.Decode.FromBytes([]byte("www.gouguoyin.cn%3Fsex%3D%E7%94%B7%26age%3D18")).BySafeURL().ToBytes() // []byte("www.gouguoyin.cn?sex=男&age=18")

Encrypt and decrypt

Encrypt by md4
// Encrypt by md4 from string and output string with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByMd4().ToHexString() // aa010fbc1d14c795d86ef98c95479d17
// Encrypt by md4 from string and output string with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByMd4().ToBase64String() // qgEPvB0Ux5XYbvmMlUedFw==

// Encrypt by md4 from byte slice and output byte slice with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByMd4().ToHexBytes() // []byte("aa010fbc1d14c795d86ef98c95479d17")
// Encrypt by md4 from byte slice and output byte slice with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByMd4().ToBase64Bytes() // []byte("qgEPvB0Ux5XYbvmMlUedFw==")

// Encrypt by md4 from file and output string with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromFile("./LICENSE").ByMd4().ToHexString() // 1240c5c0fb26b585999357915c56b511
// Encrypt by md4 from file and output string with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromFile("./LICENSE").ByMd4().ToBase64String() // EkDFwPsmtYWZk1eRXFa1EQ==

// Encrypt by md4 from file and output byte slice with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromFile([]byte("./LICENSE")).ByMd4().ToHexBytes() // []byte("1240c5c0fb26b585999357915c56b511")
// Encrypt by md4 from file and output byte slice with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromFile([]byte("./LICENSE")).ByMd4().ToBase64Bytes() // []byte("EkDFwPsmtYWZk1eRXFa1EQ==")
Encrypt by hmac-md4
// Encrypt by hmac-md4 from string and output string with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByHmacMd4("dongle").ToHexString() // 7a9df5247cbf76a8bc17c9c4f5a75b6b
// Encrypt by hmac-md4 from string and output string with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByHmacMd4("dongle").ToBase64String() // ep31JHy/dqi8F8nE9adbaw==

// Encrypt by hmac-md4 from byte slice and output byte slice with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByHmacMd4([]byte("dongle")).ToHexBytes() // []byte("7a9df5247cbf76a8bc17c9c4f5a75b6b")
// Encrypt by hmac-md4 from byte slice and output byte slice with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByHmacMd4([]byte("dongle")).ToBase64Bytes() // []byte("ep31JHy/dqi8F8nE9adbaw==")
Encrypt by md5
// Encrypt by md5 from string and output string with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByMd5().ToHexString() // 5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3
// Encrypt by md5 from string and output string with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByMd5().ToBase64String() // XrY7u+Ae7tCTyyK7j1rNww==

// Encrypt by md5 from byte slice and output byte slice with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByMd5().ToHexBytes() // []byte("5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3")
// Encrypt by md5 from byte slice and output byte slice with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByMd5().ToBase64Bytes() // []byte("XrY7u+Ae7tCTyyK7j1rNww==")

// Encrypt by md5 from file and output string with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromFile("./LICENSE").ByMd5().ToHexString() // 014f03f9025ea81a8a0e9734be540c53
// Encrypt by md5 from file and output string with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromFile("./LICENSE").ByMd5().ToBase64String() // AU8D+QJeqBqKDpc0vlQMUw==

// Encrypt by md5 from file and output byte slice with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromFile([]byte("./LICENSE")).ByMd5().ToHexBytes() // []byte("014f03f9025ea81a8a0e9734be540c53")
// Encrypt by md5 from file and output byte slice with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromFile([]byte("./LICENSE")).ByMd5().ToBase64Bytes() // []byte("AU8D+QJeqBqKDpc0vlQMUw==")
Encrypt by hmac-md5
// Encrypt by hmac-md5 from string and output string with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByHmacMd5("dongle").ToHexString() // 4790626a275f776956386e5a3ea7b726
// Encrypt by hmac-md5 from string and output string with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByHmacMd5("dongle").ToBase64String() // R5Biaidfd2lWOG5aPqe3Jg==

// Encrypt by hmac-md5 from byte slice and output byte slice with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByHmacMd5([]byte("dongle")).ToHexBytes() // []byte("4790626a275f776956386e5a3ea7b726")
// Encrypt by hmac-md5 from byte slice and output byte slice with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByHmacMd5([]byte("dongle")).ToBase64Bytes() // []byte("R5Biaidfd2lWOG5aPqe3Jg==")
Encrypt by sha1
// Encrypt by sha1 from string and output string with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").BySha1().ToHexString() // 2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed
// Encrypt by sha1 from string and output string with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").BySha1().ToBase64String() // Kq5sNclPz7QV2+lfQIuc6R7oRu0=

// Encrypt by sha1 from byte slice and output byte slice with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).BySha1().ToHexBytes() // []byte("2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed")
// Encrypt by sha1 from byte slice and output byte slice with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).BySha1().ToBase64Bytes() // []byte("Kq5sNclPz7QV2+lfQIuc6R7oRu0=")
Encrypt by hmac-sha1
// Encrypt by hmac-sha1 from string and output string with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByHmacSha1("dongle").ToHexString() // 91c103ef93ba7420902b0d1bf0903251c94b4a62
// Encrypt by hmac-sha1 from string and output string with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByHmacSha1("dongle").ToBase64String() // kcED75O6dCCQKw0b8JAyUclLSmI=

// Encrypt by hmac-sha1 from byte slice and output byte slice with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByHmacSha1([]byte("dongle")).ToHexBytes() // []byte("91c103ef93ba7420902b0d1bf0903251c94b4a62")
// Encrypt by hmac-sha1 from byte slice and output byte slice with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByHmacSha1([]byte("dongle")).ToBase64Bytes() // []byte("kcED75O6dCCQKw0b8JAyUclLSmI=")
Encrypt by sha224
// Encrypt by sha224 from string and output string with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").BySha224().ToHexString() // 2f05477fc24bb4faefd86517156dafdecec45b8ad3cf2522a563582b
// Encrypt by sha224 from string and output string with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").BySha224().ToBase64String() // LwVHf8JLtPrv2GUXFW2v3s7EW4rTzyUipWNYKw==

// Encrypt by sha224 from byte slice and output byte slice with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).BySha224().ToHexBytes() // []byte("2f05477fc24bb4faefd86517156dafdecec45b8ad3cf2522a563582b")
// Encrypt by sha224 from byte slice and output byte slice with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).BySha224().ToBase64Bytes() // []byte("LwVHf8JLtPrv2GUXFW2v3s7EW4rTzyUipWNYKw==")
Encrypt by hmac-sha224
// Encrypt by hmac-sha224 from string and output string with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByHmacSha224("dongle").ToHexString() // e15b9e5a7eccb1f17dc81dc07c909a891936dc3429dc0d940accbcec
// Encrypt by hmac-sha224 from string and output string with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByHmacSha224("dongle").ToBase64String() // 4VueWn7MsfF9yB3AfJCaiRk23DQp3A2UCsy87A====

// Encrypt by hmac-sha224 from byte slice and output byte slice with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByHmacSha224([]byte("dongle")).ToHexBytes() // []byte("e15b9e5a7eccb1f17dc81dc07c909a891936dc3429dc0d940accbcec")
// Encrypt by hmac-sha224 from byte slice and output byte slice with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByHmacSha224([]byte("dongle")).ToBase64Bytes() // []byte("4VueWn7MsfF9yB3AfJCaiRk23DQp3A2UCsy87A==")
Encrypt by sha256
// Encrypt by sha256 from string and output string with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").BySha256().ToHexString() // b94d27b9934d3e08a52e52d7da7dabfac484efe37a5380ee9088f7ace2efcde9
// Encrypt by sha256 from string and output string with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").BySha256().ToBase64String() // uU0nuZNNPgilLlLX2n2r+sSE7+N6U4DukIj3rOLvzek=

// Encrypt by sha256 from byte slice and output byte slice with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).BySha256().ToHexBytes() // []byte("b94d27b9934d3e08a52e52d7da7dabfac484efe37a5380ee9088f7ace2efcde9")
// Encrypt by sha256 from byte slice and output byte slice with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).BySha256().ToBase64Bytes() // []byte("uU0nuZNNPgilLlLX2n2r+sSE7+N6U4DukIj3rOLvzek=")
Encrypt by hmac-sha256
// Encrypt by hmac-sha256 from string and output string with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByHmacSha256("dongle").ToHexString() // b94d27b9934d3e08a52e52d7da7dabfac484efe37a5380ee9088f7ace2efcde9
// Encrypt by hmac-sha256 from string and output string with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByHmacSha256("dongle").ToBase64String() // uU0nuZNNPgilLlLX2n2r+sSE7+N6U4DukIj3rOLvzek=

// Encrypt by hmac-sha256 from byte slice and output byte slice with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByHmacSha256([]byte("dongle")).ToHexBytes() // []byte("b94d27b9934d3e08a52e52d7da7dabfac484efe37a5380ee9088f7ace2efcde9")
// Encrypt by hmac-sha256 from byte slice and output byte slice with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByHmacSha256([]byte("dongle")).ToBase64Bytes() // []byte("uU0nuZNNPgilLlLX2n2r+sSE7+N6U4DukIj3rOLvzek=")
Encrypt by sha384
// Encrypt by sha384 from string and output string with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").BySha384().ToHexString() // fdbd8e75a67f29f701a4e040385e2e23986303ea10239211af907fcbb83578b3e417cb71ce646efd0819dd8c088de1bd
// Encrypt by sha384 from string and output string with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").BySha384().ToBase64String() // /b2OdaZ/KfcBpOBAOF4uI5hjA+oQI5IRr5B/y7g1eLPkF8txzmRu/QgZ3YwIjeG9

// Encrypt by sha384 from byte slice and output byte slice with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).BySha384().ToHexBytes() // []byte("fdbd8e75a67f29f701a4e040385e2e23986303ea10239211af907fcbb83578b3e417cb71ce646efd0819dd8c088de1bd")
// Encrypt by sha384 from byte slice and output byte slice with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).BySha384().ToBase64Bytes() // []byte("/b2OdaZ/KfcBpOBAOF4uI5hjA+oQI5IRr5B/y7g1eLPkF8txzmRu/QgZ3YwIjeG9")
Encrypt by hmac-sha384
// Encrypt by hmac-sha384 from string and output string with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByHmacSha384("dongle").ToHexString() // 421fcaa740216a31bbcd1f86f2212e0c68aa4b156a8ebc2ae55b3e75c4ee0509ea0325a0570ae739006b61d91d817fe8
// Encrypt by hmac-sha384 from string and output string with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByHmacSha384("dongle").ToBase64String() // Qh/Kp0AhajG7zR+G8iEuDGiqSxVqjrwq5Vs+dcTuBQnqAyWgVwrnOQBrYdkdgX/o

// Encrypt by hmac-sha384 from byte slice and output byte slice with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByHmacSha384([]byte("dongle")).ToHexBytes() // []byte("421fcaa740216a31bbcd1f86f2212e0c68aa4b156a8ebc2ae55b3e75c4ee0509ea0325a0570ae739006b61d91d817fe8")
// Encrypt by hmac-sha384 from byte slice and output byte slice with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByHmacSha384([]byte("dongle")).ToBase64Bytes() // []byte("Qh/Kp0AhajG7zR+G8iEuDGiqSxVqjrwq5Vs+dcTuBQnqAyWgVwrnOQBrYdkdgX/o")
Encrypt by sha512
// Encrypt by sha512 from string and output string with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").BySha512().ToHexBytes() // 309ecc489c12d6eb4cc40f50c902f2b4d0ed77ee511a7c7a9bcd3ca86d4cd86f989dd35bc5ff499670da34255b45b0cfd830e81f605dcf7dc5542e93ae9cd76f
// Encrypt by sha512 from string and output string with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").BySha512().ToBase64String() // MJ7MSJwS1utMxA9QyQLytNDtd+5RGnx6m808qG1M2G+YndNbxf9JlnDaNCVbRbDP2DDoH2Bdz33FVC6TrpzXbw==

// Encrypt by sha512 from byte slice and output byte slice with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).BySha512().ToHexBytes() // []byte("309ecc489c12d6eb4cc40f50c902f2b4d0ed77ee511a7c7a9bcd3ca86d4cd86f989dd35bc5ff499670da34255b45b0cfd830e81f605dcf7dc5542e93ae9cd76f")
// Encrypt by sha512 from byte slice and output byte slice with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).BySha512().ToBase64Bytes() // []byte("MJ7MSJwS1utMxA9QyQLytNDtd+5RGnx6m808qG1M2G+YndNbxf9JlnDaNCVbRbDP2DDoH2Bdz33FVC6TrpzXbw==")
Encrypt by hmac-sha512
// Encrypt by hmac-sha512 from string and output string with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByHmacSha512("dongle").ToHexString() // d971b790bbc2a4ac81062bbffac693c9c234bae176c8faf5e304dbdb153032a826f12353964b4a4fb87abecd2dc237638a630cbad54a6b94b1f6ef5d5e2835d1
// Encrypt by hmac-sha512 from string and output string with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByHmacSha512("dongle").ToBase64String() // 2XG3kLvCpKyBBiu/+saTycI0uuF2yPr14wTb2xUwMqgm8SNTlktKT7h6vs0twjdjimMMutVKa5Sx9u9dXig10Q==

// Encrypt by hmac-sha512 from byte slice and output byte slice with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByHmacSha512([]byte("dongle")).ToHexBytes() // []byte("d971b790bbc2a4ac81062bbffac693c9c234bae176c8faf5e304dbdb153032a826f12353964b4a4fb87abecd2dc237638a630cbad54a6b94b1f6ef5d5e2835d1")
// Encrypt by hmac-sha512 from byte slice and output byte slice with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByHmacSha512([]byte("dongle")).ToBase64Bytes() // []byte("2XG3kLvCpKyBBiu/+saTycI0uuF2yPr14wTb2xUwMqgm8SNTlktKT7h6vs0twjdjimMMutVKa5Sx9u9dXig10Q==")
Encrypt by rc4
// Encrypt by rc4 from string and output string with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByRc4("dongle").ToHexString() // eba154b4cb5a9038dbbf9d
// Encrypt by rc4 from string and output string with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByRc4("dongle").ToBase64String() // 66FUtMtakDjbv50=

// Encrypt by rc4 from byte slice and output byte slice with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByRc4("dongle").ToHexBytes() // []byte("eba154b4cb5a9038dbbf9d")
// Encrypt by rc4 from byte slice and output byte slice with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByRc4("dongle").ToBase64Bytes() // []byte("66FUtMtakDjbv50=")
Encrypt and decrypt by rsa
pkcs1PublicKey := `-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----`

pkcs8PublicKey := `-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----`

pkcs1PrivateKey := `-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

pkcs8PrivateKey := `-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END PRIVATE KEY-----`

// Use public key to encrypt by rsa from string
cipherText := dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByRsa(pkcs1PublicKey)
// Use pkcs1 private key to decrypt by rsa from string with hex encoding
dongle.Decrypt.FromHexString(cipherText.ToHexString()).ByRsa(pkcs1PrivateKey, dongle.PKCS1).ToString() // hello world
// Use pkcs1 private key to decrypt by rsa from string with base64 encoding
dongle.Decrypt.FromBase64String(cipherText.ToBase64String()).ByRsa(pkcs1PrivateKey, dongle.PKCS1).ToString() // hello world

// Use public key to encrypt by rsa from byte
cipherText := dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByRsa([]byte(pkcs1PublicKey))
// Use pkcs1 private key to decrypt by rsa from byte with hex encoding
dongle.Decrypt.FromHexBytes(cipherText.ToHexBytes()).ByRsa([]byte(pkcs1PrivateKey), dongle.PKCS1).ToByte() // []bytes("hello world)
// Use pkcs1 private key to decrypt by rsa from byte with base64 encoding
dongle.Decrypt.FromBase64Bytes(cipherText.ToBase64Bytes()).ByRsa([]byte(pkcs1PrivateKey), dongle.PKCS1).ToByte() // []bytes("hello world)

// Use public key to encrypt by rsa from string
cipherText := dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByRsa(pkcs8PublicKey)
// Use pkcs8 private key to decrypt by rsa from string with hex encoding
dongle.Decrypt.FromHexString(cipherText.ToHexString()).ByRsa(pkcs8PrivateKey, dongle.PKCS8).ToString() // hello world
// Use pkcs8 private key to decrypt by rsa from string with base64 encoding
dongle.Decrypt.FromBase64String(cipherText.ToBase64String()).ByRsa(pkcs8PrivateKey, dongle.PKCS8).ToString() // hello world

// Use public key to encrypt by rsa from byte
cipherText := dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByRsa([]byte(pkcs8PublicKey))
// Use pkcs8 private key to decrypt by rsa from byte with hex encoding
dongle.Decrypt.FromHexBytes(cipherText).ByRsa(pkcs8PrivateKey, dongle.PKCS8).ToByte() // []bytes("hello world)
// Use pkcs8 private key to decrypt by rsa from byte with base64 encoding
dongle.Decrypt.FromBase64Bytes(cipherText.ToBase64Bytes()).ByRsa(pkcs8PrivateKey, dongle.PKCS8).ToByte() // []bytes("hello world)
Encrypt and decrypt by aes
cipher := NewCipher()
cipher.SetMode(dongle.CBC) // CBC、CFB、OFB、CTR、ECB、GCM
cipher.SetPadding(dongle.PKCS7) // No、Zero、PKCS5、PKCS7
cipher.SetKey("0123456789abcdef") // key must be 16, 24 or 32 bytes
cipher.SetIV("0123456789abcdef")  // iv must be 16 bytes (ECB mode doesn't require setting iv)

// Encrypt by aes from string and output string with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByAes(cipher).ToHexString() // c1e9b4529aac9793010f4677f6358efe
// Decrypt by aes from string with hex encoding and output string
dongle.Decrypt.FromHexString("c1e9b4529aac9793010f4677f6358efe").ByAes(cipher).ToString() // hello world

// Encrypt by aes from string and output string with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByAes(cipher).ToBase64String() // wem0Upqsl5MBD0Z39jWO/g==
// Decrypt by aes from string with base64 encoding and output string
dongle.Decrypt.FromBase64String("wem0Upqsl5MBD0Z39jWO/g==").ByAes(cipher).ToString() // hello world

// Encrypt by aes from byte slice and output byte slice with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByAes(cipher).ToHexBytes() // []byte("c1e9b4529aac9793010f4677f6358efe")
// Decrypt by aes from byte slice with hex encoding and output byte slice
dongle.Decrypt.FromHexBytes([]byte("c1e9b4529aac9793010f4677f6358efe")).ByAes(cipher).ToBytes() // []byte("hello world")

// Encrypt by aes from byte slice and output byte slice with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByAes(cipher).ToBase64Bytes() // []byte("wem0Upqsl5MBD0Z39jWO/g==")
// Decrypt by aes from byte slice with base64 encoding and output byte slice
dongle.Decrypt.FromBase64Bytes(()byte("wem0Upqsl5MBD0Z39jWO/g==")).ByAes(cipher).ToBytes() // []byte("hello world")

Encrypt and decrypt by des
cipher := NewCipher()
cipher.SetMode(dongle.CBC) // CBC、ECB、CFB、OFB、CTR、GCM
cipher.SetPadding(dongle.PKCS7) // No、Zero、PKCS5、PKCS7
cipher.SetKey("12345678")       // key must be 8 bytes
cipher.SetIV("123456788") // iv must be 8 bytes

// Encrypt by des from string and output string with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByDes(cipher).ToHexString() // 0b2a92e81fb49ce1a43266aacaea7b81
// Decrypt by des from string with hex encoding and output string
dongle.Decrypt.FromHexString("0b2a92e81fb49ce1a43266aacaea7b81").ByDes(cipher).ToString() // hello world

// Encrypt by des from string and output string with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").ByDes(cipher).ToBase64String() // CyqS6B+0nOGkMmaqyup7gQ==
// Decrypt by des from string with base64 encoding and output string
dongle.Decrypt.FromBase64String("CyqS6B+0nOGkMmaqyup7gQ==").ByDes(cipher).ToString() // hello world

// Encrypt by des from byte slice and output byte slice with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByDes(cipher).ToHexBytes() // []byte("0b2a92e81fb49ce1a43266aacaea7b81")
// Decrypt by des from byte slice with hex encoding and output byte slice
dongle.Decrypt.FromHexBytes([]byte("0b2a92e81fb49ce1a43266aacaea7b81")).ByDes(cipher).ToBytes() // []byte("hello world")

// Encrypt by des from byte slice and output byte slice with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).ByDes(cipher).ToBase64Bytes() // []byte("CyqS6B+0nOGkMmaqyup7gQ==")
// Decrypt by des from byte slice with base64 encoding and output byte slice
dongle.Decrypt.FromBase64Bytes(()byte("CyqS6B+0nOGkMmaqyup7gQ==")).ByDes(cipher).ToBytes() // []byte("hello world")
Encrypt and decrypt by 3des
cipher := NewCipher()
cipher.SetMode(dongle.CBC) // CBC、ECB、CFB、OFB、CTR、GCM
cipher.SetPadding(dongle.PKCS7) // No、Zero、PKCS5、PKCS7
cipher.SetKey("123456781234567812345678") // key must be 24 bytes
cipher.SetIV("123456788") // iv must be 8 bytes

// Encrypt by 3des from string and output string with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").By3Des(cipher).ToHexString() // 0b2a92e81fb49ce1a43266aacaea7b81
// Decrypt by des from string with hex encoding and output string
dongle.Decrypt.FromHexString("0b2a92e81fb49ce1a43266aacaea7b81").By3Des(cipher).ToString() // hello world

// Encrypt by 3des from string and output string with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromString("hello world").By3Des(cipher).ToBase64String() // CyqS6B+0nOGkMmaqyup7gQ==
// Decrypt by 3des from string with base64 encoding and output string
dongle.Decrypt.FromBase64String("CyqS6B+0nOGkMmaqyup7gQ==").By3Des(cipher).ToString() // hello world

// Encrypt by 3des from byte slice and output byte slice with hex encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).By3Des(cipher).ToHexBytes() // []byte("0b2a92e81fb49ce1a43266aacaea7b81")
// Decrypt by 3des from byte slice with hex encoding and output byte slice
dongle.Decrypt.FromHexBytes([]byte("0b2a92e81fb49ce1a43266aacaea7b81")).By3Des(cipher).ToBytes() // []byte("hello world")

// Encrypt by 3des from byte slice and output byte slice with base64 encoding
dongle.Encrypt.FromBytes([]byte("hello world")).By3Des(cipher).ToBase64Bytes() // []byte("CyqS6B+0nOGkMmaqyup7gQ==")
// Decrypt by 3des from byte slice with base64 encoding and output byte slice
dongle.Decrypt.FromBase64Bytes(()byte("CyqS6B+0nOGkMmaqyup7gQ==")).By3Des(cipher).ToBytes() // []byte("hello world")

Error handling

If more than one error occurs, only the first error is returned

e := dongle.Encrypy.FromString("hello world").ByRsa("xxxx")
if e.Error != nil {
// 错误处理...
// Output
invalid public key, please make sure the public key is valid

Feature list

  • [x] Encoding and decoding by Hex
  • [x] Encoding and decoding by Base16
  • [x] Encoding and decoding by Base32
  • [x] Encoding and decoding by Base58
  • [ ] Encoding and decoding by Base62
  • [x] Encoding and decoding by Base64
  • [x] Encoding and decoding by Base64URL
  • [x] Encoding and decoding by SafeURL
  • [x] Encoding and decoding by Base85
  • [ ] Encoding and decoding by Base91
  • [ ] Encoding and decoding by Base92
  • [ ] Encoding and decoding by Base100
  • [x] Encryption by Md4
  • [x] Encryption by Hmac-md4
  • [x] Encryption by Md5
  • [x] Encryption by Hmac-md5
  • [x] Encryption by Sha1
  • [x] Encryption by Hmac-sha1
  • [x] Encryption by Sha224
  • [x] Encryption by Hmac-sha224
  • [x] Encryption by Sha256
  • [x] Encryption by Hmac-sha256
  • [x] Encryption by Sha384
  • [x] Encryption by Hmac-sha384
  • [x] Encryption by Sha512
  • [x] Encryption by Hmac-sha512
  • [ ] Encryption by Rc2
  • [x] Encryption by Rc4
  • [ ] Encryption by Rc5
  • [ ] Encryption by Rc6
  • [ ] Encryption and decryption by Sm2
  • [ ] Encryption and decryption by Sm3
  • [ ] Encryption and decryption by Sm4
  • [ ] Encryption and decryption by Sm7
  • [ ] Encryption and decryption by Sm9
  • [ ] Encryption and decryption by DSA
  • [ ] Encryption and decryption by Tea
  • [ ] Encryption and decryption by Xtea
  • [x] Encryption and decryption by RSA with PKCS1Pem/PKCS8Pem
  • [x] Encryption and decryption by AES with ECB/CBC/CTR/CFB/OFB mode and No/Zero/PKCS5/PKCS7 padding
  • [x] Encryption and decryption by DES with ECB/CBC/CTR/CFB/OFB mode and No/Zero/PKCS5/PKCS7 padding
  • [x] Encryption and decryption by 3DES with ECB/CBC/CTR/CFB/OFB mode and No/Zero/PKCS5/PKCS7 padding


Online website


Dongle is a non-commercial open source project. If you want to support Dongle, you can buy a cup of coffee for developer.


Dongle had been being developed with GoLand under the free JetBrains Open Source license, I would like to express my thanks here.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the dongle README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.