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Postgresql packages

Showing projects tagged as Postgresql

  • Basic Query Builder

    4.3 6.0 Go
    BQB is a lightweight and easy to use query builder that works with sqlite, mysql, mariadb, postgres, and others.
  • goerd

    2.2 3.1 Go
    Golang PostgreSQL schema migration tool
  • Example of testing Go code with Postgres

    1.6 7.6 Go
    The example suggests a solution to the problem of cleaning the database after running tests and the problem of running tests in parallel. It also shows how to organize integration testing of Go code with Postgres.
  • sqle

    0.9 8.5 Go
    A SQL-first/ORM-like Golang SQL package.
  • Raw SQL builder

    0.3 0.0 Go
    Create raw sql from structs without ORM