
Programming language: Go
License: MIT License

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ARPC - More Effective Network Communication


Mentioned in Awesome Go [MIT licensed][6] Build Status Go Report Card Coverage Statusd



  • [x] Two-Way Calling
  • [x] Two-Way Notify
  • [x] Sync and Async Calling
  • [x] Sync and Async Response
  • [x] Batch Write | Writev | net.Buffers
  • [x] Broadcast
  • [x] Middleware
  • [x] Pub/Sub
  • [x] Opentracing
Pattern Interactive Directions Description
call two-way:c -> ss -> c request and response
notify two-way:c -> ss -> c request without response


Here are some thirdparty benchmark including arpc, although these repos have provide the performance report, but I suggest you run the code yourself and get the real result, other than just believe other people's doc:

Header Layout

  • LittleEndian
bodyLen reserved cmd flag methodLen sequence method body
4 bytes 1 byte 1 byte 1 bytes 1 bytes 8 bytes methodLen bytes bodyLen-methodLen bytes


  1. Get and install arpc
$ go get -u github.com/lesismal/arpc
  1. Import in your code:
import "github.com/lesismal/arpc"

Quick Start

package main

import "github.com/lesismal/arpc"

func main() {
    server := arpc.NewServer()

    // register router
    server.Handler.Handle("/echo", func(ctx *arpc.Context) {
        str := ""
        if err := ctx.Bind(&str); err == nil {

package main

import (


func main() {
    client, err := arpc.NewClient(func() (net.Conn, error) {
        return net.DialTimeout("tcp", "localhost:8888", time.Second*3)
    if err != nil {
    defer client.Stop()

    req := "hello"
    rsp := ""
    err = client.Call("/echo", &req, &rsp, time.Second*5)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Call failed: %v", err)
    } else {
        log.Printf("Call Response: \"%v\"", rsp)

API Examples

Register Routers

var handler arpc.Handler

// package
handler = arpc.DefaultHandler
// server
handler = server.Handler
// client
handler = client.Handler

// message would be default handled one by one  in the same conn reader goroutine
handler.Handle("/route", func(ctx *arpc.Context) { ... })
handler.Handle("/route2", func(ctx *arpc.Context) { ... })

// this make message handled by a new goroutine
async := true
handler.Handle("/asyncResponse", func(ctx *arpc.Context) { ... }, async)

Router Middleware

See router middleware, it's easy to implement middlewares yourself

import "github.com/lesismal/arpc/extension/middleware/router"

var handler arpc.Handler

// package
handler = arpc.DefaultHandler
// server
handler = server.Handler
// client
handler = client.Handler

handler.Use(func(ctx *arpc.Context) { ... })
handler.Handle("/echo", func(ctx *arpc.Context) { ... })
handler.Use(func(ctx *arpc.Context) { ... })

Coder Middleware

  • Coder Middleware is used for converting a message data to your designed format, e.g encrypt/decrypt and compress/uncompress
import "github.com/lesismal/arpc/extension/middleware/coder/gzip"

var handler arpc.Handler

// package
handler = arpc.DefaultHandler
// server
handler = server.Handler
// client
handler = client.Handler

handler.Handle("/echo", func(ctx *arpc.Context) { ... })

Client Call, CallAsync, Notify

  1. Call (Block, with timeout/context)
request := &Echo{...}
response := &Echo{}
timeout := time.Second*5
err := client.Call("/call/echo", request, response, timeout)
// ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
// defer cancel()
// err := client.CallWith(ctx, "/call/echo", request, response)
  1. CallAsync (Nonblock, with callback and timeout/context)
request := &Echo{...}

timeout := time.Second*5
err := client.CallAsync("/call/echo", request, func(ctx *arpc.Context) {
    response := &Echo{}
}, timeout)
  1. Notify (same as CallAsync with timeout/context, without callback)
data := &Notify{...}
client.Notify("/notify", data, time.Second)
// ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
// defer cancel()
// client.NotifyWith(ctx, "/notify", data)

Server Call, CallAsync, Notify

  1. Get client and keep it in your application
var client *arpc.Client
server.Handler.Handle("/route", func(ctx *arpc.Context) {
    client = ctx.Client
    // release client
    client.OnDisconnected(func(c *arpc.Client){
        client = nil

go func() {
    for {
        if client != nil {
  1. Then Call/CallAsync/Notify

Broadcast - Notify

var mux = sync.RWMutex{}
var clientMap = make(map[*arpc.Client]struct{})

func broadcast() {
    var svr *arpc.Server = ... 
    msg := svr.NewMessage(arpc.CmdNotify, "/broadcast", fmt.Sprintf("broadcast msg %d", i))
    for client := range clientMap {
        client.PushMsg(msg, arpc.TimeZero)

Async Response

var handler arpc.Handler

// package
handler = arpc.DefaultHandler
// server
handler = server.Handler
// client
handler = client.Handler

asyncResponse := true // default is true, or set false
handler.Handle("/echo", func(ctx *arpc.Context) {
    req := ...
    err := ctx.Bind(req)
    if err == nil {
}, asyncResponse)

Handle New Connection

// package
arpc.DefaultHandler.HandleConnected(func(c *arpc.Client) {

// server
svr := arpc.NewServer()
svr.Handler.HandleConnected(func(c *arpc.Client) {

// client
client, err := arpc.NewClient(...)
client.Handler.HandleConnected(func(c *arpc.Client) {

Handle Disconnected

// package
arpc.DefaultHandler.HandleDisconnected(func(c *arpc.Client) {

// server
svr := arpc.NewServer()
svr.Handler.HandleDisconnected(func(c *arpc.Client) {

// client
client, err := arpc.NewClient(...)
client.Handler.HandleDisconnected(func(c *arpc.Client) {

Handle Client's send queue overstock

// package
arpc.DefaultHandler.HandleOverstock(func(c *arpc.Client) {

// server
svr := arpc.NewServer()
svr.Handler.HandleOverstock(func(c *arpc.Client) {

// client
client, err := arpc.NewClient(...)
client.Handler.HandleOverstock(func(c *arpc.Client) {

Custom Net Protocol

// server
var ln net.Listener = ...
svr := arpc.NewServer()

// client
dialer := func() (net.Conn, error) { 
    return ... 
client, err := arpc.NewClient(dialer)

Custom Codec

import "github.com/lesismal/arpc/codec"

var codec arpc.Codec = ...

// package
codec.Defaultcodec = codec

// server
svr := arpc.NewServer()
svr.Codec = codec

// client
client, err := arpc.NewClient(...)
client.Codec = codec

Custom Logger

import "github.com/lesismal/arpc/log"

var logger arpc.Logger = ...
log.SetLogger(logger) // log.DefaultLogger = logger

Custom operations before conn's recv and send

arpc.DefaultHandler.BeforeRecv(func(conn net.Conn) error) {
    // ...

arpc.DefaultHandler.BeforeSend(func(conn net.Conn) error) {
    // ...

Custom arpc.Client's Reader by wrapping net.Conn

arpc.DefaultHandler.SetReaderWrapper(func(conn net.Conn) io.Reader) {
    // ...

Custom arpc.Client's send queue capacity


JS Client

Web Chat Examples

Pub/Sub Examples

  • start a server ```golang import "github.com/lesismal/arpc/extension/pubsub"

var ( address = "localhost:8888"

password = "123qwe"

topicName = "Broadcast"


func main() { s := pubsub.NewServer() s.Password = password

// server publish to all clients
go func() {
    for i := 0; true; i++ {
        s.Publish(topicName, fmt.Sprintf("message from server %v", i))



- start a subscribe client
import "github.com/lesismal/arpc/log"
import "github.com/lesismal/arpc/extension/pubsub"

var (
    address = "localhost:8888"

    password = "123qwe"

    topicName = "Broadcast"

func onTopic(topic *pubsub.Topic) {
    log.Info("[OnTopic] [%v] \"%v\", [%v]",
        time.Unix(topic.Timestamp/1000000000, topic.Timestamp%1000000000).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000"))

func main() {
    client, err := pubsub.NewClient(func() (net.Conn, error) {
        return net.DialTimeout("tcp", address, time.Second*3)
    if err != nil {
    client.Password = password

    // authentication
    err = client.Authenticate()
    if err != nil {

    // subscribe topic
    if err := client.Subscribe(topicName, onTopic, time.Second); err != nil {

    <-make(chan int)
  • start a publish client ```golang import "github.com/lesismal/arpc/extension/pubsub"

var ( address = "localhost:8888"

password = "123qwe"

topicName = "Broadcast"


func main() { client, err := pubsub.NewClient(func() (net.Conn, error) { return net.DialTimeout("tcp", address, time.Second*3) }) if err != nil { panic(err) } client.Password = password

// authentication
err = client.Authenticate()
if err != nil {

for i := 0; true; i++ {
    if i%5 == 0 {
        // publish msg to all clients
        client.Publish(topicName, fmt.Sprintf("message from client %d", i), time.Second)
    } else {
        // publish msg to only one client
        client.PublishToOne(topicName, fmt.Sprintf("message from client %d", i), time.Second)


## More Examples

- See [examples](https://github.com/lesismal/arpc/tree/master/examples)

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the arpc README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.