
Programming language: Go
License: MIT License
Tags: Code Analysis    

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Build Status GoDoc

gostatus is a command line tool that shows the status of Go repositories.


go get -u github.com/shurcooL/gostatus


Usage: gostatus [flags] [packages]
       [newline separated packages] | gostatus -stdin [flags]
  -c    Compact output with inline notation.
        Cause the repository data to be printed in verbose debug format.
  -f    Force not to verify that each package has been checked out from the source control repository implied by its import path. This can be useful if the source is a local fork of the original.
        Read the list of newline separated Go packages from stdin.
  -v    Verbose mode. Show all Go packages, not just ones with notable status.

  # Show status of all packages.
  gostatus all

  # Show status of package in current directory.

  # Show status of all dependencies (recursive) of package in current dir.
  go list -deps | gostatus -stdin -v

  ? - Not under version control or unreachable remote
  b - Non-default branch checked out
  * - Uncommited changes in working dir
  + - Update available
  - - Local revision is ahead of remote revision
  ± - Update available; local revision is ahead of remote revision
  ! - No remote
  / - Remote repository not found (was it deleted? made private?)
  # - Remote path doesn't match import path
  $ - Stash exists


# Show status of all packages.
$ gostatus all

# Show status of package in current directory.
$ gostatus

# Show status of specified package.
$ gostatus import/path

# Show status of all dependencies (recursive) of package in current dir.
$ go list -deps | gostatus -stdin -v

# Show status of all dependencies (recursive) of specified package.
$ go list -deps import/path | gostatus -stdin -v

Sample Output

$ gostatus all
  +  github.com/dchest/uniuri/...
    + Update available
  +  github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/...
    + Update available
b    github.com/shurcooL/go-goon/...
    b Non-default branch checked out
 *   github.com/shurcooL/Conception-go/...
    * Uncommited changes in working dir
  #  github.com/russross/blackfriday/...
    # Remote path doesn't match import path
   $ github.com/microcosm-cc/bluemonday/...
    $ Stash exists
  /  github.com/go-forks/go-pkg-xmlx/...
    / Remote repository not found (was it deleted? made private?):
        remote repository not found:
        exit status 128: remote: Repository not found.
        fatal: repository 'https://github.com/go-forks/go-pkg-xmlx/' not found

There are a few observations that can be made from that sample output.

  • uniuri and goleveldb repos are out of date, I should update them via go get -u.
  • go-goon repo has a non-default branch checked out, I should be aware of that.
  • Conception-go repo has uncommited changes. I should remember to commit or discard the changes.
  • blackfriday repo has a remote that doesn't match its import path. It's likely my fork in place of the original repo for temporary development purposes.
  • bluemonday repo has a stash. Perhaps I have some unfinished and uncommited work that I should take care of.
  • go-pkg-xmlx repo was not found. Perhaps the repository was deleted or made private.
  • All other repos are up to date and looking good (they're not displayed unless -v is used).


Path Synopsis
status Package status provides a func to check if two repo URLs are equal in the context of Go packages.


  • [MIT License](LICENSE)

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the gostatus README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.