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Avg Release Cycle
50 days
Latest Release
1380 days ago

Changelog History
Page 1

  • v1.3.1 Changes

    September 05, 2020

    πŸ› bug fixes

  • v1.3.0 Changes

    June 26, 2020

    ⬆️ Simulation schema is upgraded to v5.1 to support the following new features (a big thanks to @ns3777k):

    βœ… Adding delay to a specific response

    βœ… Serving response body from a file

    πŸš€ The binary size is up a few MBs after switching to go mod since v1.2.0, so this release strip off the debugger info to squeeze it down a little bit while we come up with a plan for hoverfly to lose some weight.

  • v1.2.0 Changes

    June 10, 2020

    Hoverfly is migrated to Go 1.14 and using Go Modules to manage its dependencies.

    πŸ”‹ Feature-wise, thanks to @ri-tatsu, logging to a file is now supported:

    hoverfly -logs-output=file

    A new matcher type xmlTemplated is added for XML loose matching with templated functions: #939

  • v1.1.5 Changes

    March 29, 2020

    πŸš€ Thanks to @ns3777k , this release fixed a few bugs related to HTTPS proxying.

  • v1.1.4 Changes

    February 03, 2020

    πŸ› Bug fixes and supports templating using request header, eg. {{ Request.Header.X-Header-Id }}

  • v1.1.3 Changes

    October 10, 2019

    A universal date time templating helper is added:

    {{ now "<offset>" "<format>" }}

    βœ… It generates current date time with an offset in any custom format or Unix timestamp. More info can be found in the doc.

  • v1.1.2 Changes

    September 25, 2019

    βœ… Thanks to @kulaginds' PR, you can now use templating functions in the response headers.

  • v1.1.1 Changes

    July 22, 2019

    Overwrite duplicate request in capture mode

    0️⃣ Hoverfly by default ignores repeated requests when capturing. Using the following flag, you can set Hoverfly to capture the new request-response pair by overwriting the old one.

    hoverctl mode capture --overwrite-duplicate

    πŸ› Bug fixes and performance improvements

    🐎 Thanks to @aosavitski's PR, the performance of stateful simulation has been improved.
    πŸš€ This release also fixed the following bugs:

  • v1.1.0 Changes

    July 03, 2019

    πŸ‘ CORS support

    πŸ’» You can now enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support on hoverfly. Your web application running on the browser can make requests to Hoverfly even it’s not on the same domain.

    hoverfly -cors


    hoverctl start --cors

    πŸ‘€ For more information, please see the docs.

    Disable duplicate request check on simulation import

    Some users experience slow import for large simulation file (a few hundred MBs with lots of pairs), you can speed it up by disabling the duplicate request checking feature:

    hoverfly -no-import-check


    hoverctl start --no-import-check

    Custom Hoverfly response header

    πŸš€ A response proxied by Hoverfly contains header Hoverfly: Was-Here. In this release, we are adding Hoverfly: Forwarded to it if a request is not simulated but forwarded to the remote service in SPY mode.

  • v1.0.1 Changes

    June 20, 2019

    A new helper method for response templating

    We have added a new helper method for string find and replace:

    {{ replace string oldValue newValue }}

    For example, you can solve the problem in issue #841 with this templating function which replaces all occurrences of "_token" in the query params with an empty string.

    {{ replace Request.QueryParam.access_token.[0] "_token" "" }}

    πŸ‘Œ Support multiple simulation imports through hoverctl

    You can now import multiple simulations when you start hoverfly using hoverctl :

    hoverctl start --import foo.json --import bar.json

    This is equivalent to the following hoverfly command:

    hoverfly -import foo.json -import bar.json

    You can also add additional simulations after hoverfly is started:

    hoverctl simulation add foo.json bar.json

    πŸ› Bug fixes

    πŸš€ This release also fixes the following bugs:

    • #839: Importing multiple simulations with stateful sequences should initialize all sequences
    • #852: Import an existing simulation and re-capturing the same requests will no longer create duplications.