influxdb v9.9.9 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-08-15 // almost 4 years ago

Previous changes from v2.0.0

  • 🔋 Features

    💻 1. 19935: Improve the UI for the influx v1 auth commands ⚡️ 1. 19940: Update Flux to v0.94.0 ⬆️ 1. 19943: Upgrade flux-lsp-browser to v0.5.22

    1. 19946: Adding RAS telegraf input

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    🔒 1. 19924: Remove unused 'security-script' option from upgrade command ⬆️ 1. 19925: Create CLI configs in influxd upgrade ⬆️ 1. 19928: Fix parsing of retention policy CLI args in influx setup and influxd upgrade ⬆️ 1. 19930: Replace 0 with MaxInt when upgrading query-concurrency

    1. 19937: Create CLI configs
    2. 19939: Make influxd help more specific
    3. 19945: Allow write-only V1 tokens to find DBRPs ⚡️ 1. 19947: Updating v1 auth description
    4. 19952: Use db/rp naming convention when migrating DBs to buckets
    5. 19956: Improve help for --no-password switch
    6. 19959: Use 10 instead of MaxInt when rewriting query-concurrency 🚚 1. 19960: Remove bucket and mapping auto-creation from v1 /write API
    7. 19885: Misuse of reflect.SliceHeader