
Programming language: Go
License: Mozilla Public License 2.0
Tags: Utilities    
Latest version: v1.0.3

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sorty is a type-specific, fast, efficient, concurrent / parallel QuickSort implementation (with an enhanced InsertionSort as subroutine). It is in-place and does not require extra memory. You can call:

sorty.SortSlice(native_slice) // []int, []float64, []string etc. in ascending order
sorty.SortLen(len_slice)      // []string or [][]T 'by length' in ascending order
sorty.Sort(n, lesswap)        // lesswap() based

If you have a pair of Less() and Swap(), then you can trivially write your lesswap() and sort your generic collections using multiple CPU cores quickly. sorty natively sorts any type equivalent to

[]int, []int32, []int64, []uint, []uint32, []uint64,
[]uintptr, []float32, []float64, []string, [][]byte

sorty also natively sorts any type equivalent to []string or [][]T (for any type T) by length.

sorty is stable (as in version), well-tested and pretty careful with resources & performance:

  • lesswap() operates faster than sort.Interface on generic collections.
  • For each Sort*() call, sorty uses up to MaxGor (3 by default, including caller) concurrent goroutines and up to one channel.
  • Goroutines and channel are created/used only when necessary.
  • MaxGor=1 (or a short input) yields single-goroutine sorting: no goroutines or channel will be created.
  • MaxGor can be changed live, even during an ongoing Sort*() call.
  • MaxLen* parameters are tuned to get the best performance, see below.
  • sorty API adheres to semantic versioning.


Comparing against sort.Slice, sortutil, zermelo and radix with Go version 1.17.3 on:

Machine CPU OS Kernel
R Ryzen 1600 Manjaro 5.10.70
X Xeon Broadwell Ubuntu 20.04 5.11.0-1022-gcp
i5 Core i5 4210M Manjaro 5.10.70

Sorting uniformly distributed random uint32 slice (in seconds):

Library(-MaxGor) R X i5
sort.Slice 12.09 16.59 13.98
sortutil 1.48 3.42 3.10
zermelo 2.10 1.83 1.12
sorty-1 5.96 7.77 6.03
sorty-2 3.18 3.98 3.17
sorty-3 2.28 3.18 2.56
sorty-4 1.86 2.81 2.29
sortyLsw-1 11.30 15.15 13.07
sortyLsw-2 5.86 7.69 6.83
sortyLsw-3 4.08 6.14 5.34
sortyLsw-4 3.36 5.31 4.60

Sorting normally distributed random float32 slice (in seconds):

Library(-MaxGor) R X i5
sort.Slice 13.19 17.16 14.44
sortutil 1.97 3.95 3.50
zermelo 4.50 4.15 3.18
sorty-1 7.21 8.48 6.84
sorty-2 3.76 4.32 3.58
sorty-3 2.48 3.35 2.78
sorty-4 2.12 3.04 2.47
sortyLsw-1 12.58 15.51 13.60
sortyLsw-2 6.61 7.90 7.11
sortyLsw-3 4.78 6.44 5.65
sortyLsw-4 3.73 5.56 4.78

Sorting uniformly distributed random string slice (in seconds):

Library(-MaxGor) R X i5
sort.Slice 6.20 8.87 6.95
sortutil 1.31 2.39 1.99
radix 4.90 4.46 3.41
sorty-1 4.69 6.60 5.15
sorty-2 2.41 3.35 2.86
sorty-3 1.75 3.00 2.69
sorty-4 1.47 2.80 2.51
sortyLsw-1 5.72 8.47 6.63
sortyLsw-2 2.98 4.32 3.67
sortyLsw-3 2.18 3.78 3.28
sortyLsw-4 1.79 3.44 3.08

Sorting uniformly distributed random []byte slice (in seconds):

Library(-MaxGor) R X i5
sort.Slice 6.00 8.81 7.20
sorty-1 3.25 4.59 3.63
sorty-2 1.68 2.31 1.99
sorty-3 1.23 2.11 1.90
sorty-4 1.04 1.92 1.76

Sorting uniformly distributed random string slice by length (in seconds):

Library(-MaxGor) R X i5
sort.Slice 2.96 4.04 3.40
sorty-1 1.55 2.16 1.72
sorty-2 0.87 1.11 0.92
sorty-3 0.63 0.94 0.78
sorty-4 0.51 0.83 0.69

Sorting uniformly distributed random []byte slice by length (in seconds):

Library(-MaxGor) R X i5
sort.Slice 2.98 4.08 3.56
sorty-1 1.09 1.39 1.11
sorty-2 0.60 0.72 0.60
sorty-3 0.42 0.58 0.52
sorty-4 0.39 0.54 0.47

Testing & Parameter Tuning

First, make sure everything is fine:

go test -timeout 1h

You can tune MaxLen* for your platform/CPU with (optimization flags):

go test -timeout 4h -gcflags '-dwarf=0 -B -wb=0' -ldflags '-s -w' -tags tuneparam

Now update MaxLen* in maxc.go, uncomment imports & respective mfc*() calls in tmain_test.go and compare your tuned sorty with other libraries:

go test -timeout 1h -gcflags '-dwarf=0 -B -wb=0' -ldflags '-s -w'

Remember to build sorty (and your functions like SortObjAsc()) with the same optimization flags you used for tuning. -B flag is especially helpful.


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