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Avg Release Cycle
604 days
Latest Release
1555 days ago
Changelog History
Changelog History
v0.3.1 Changes
August 06, 2020🍱 🌟 What's New in accounting v0.3.1
- #17 Proposal: Please start using Semantic Versioning (by @KateGo520)
v0.3 Changes
December 24, 2019accounting v0.3 includes many contributions. Thank you to all who have contributed in this great work! 🙇
🌟 What's New in accounting v0.3
- 👍 #7 Support for BigDecimal numbers (by @tamalsaha)
- 👍 #10 Add support for Add support for (by @Dexus)
- 0️⃣ #11 Add Function DefaultAccounting and NewAccounting (by @Dexus)
- #13 Go modules (by @akkumar)
- #14 Use formattedNumber to format zero (by @bykof)
- #15 Locale Info and UnformatNumber (by @djackreuter)
v0.2 Changes
December 11, 2016- 0️⃣ the default format for negative numbers has been changed
- 👍 32-bit support
v0.1 Changes
August 22, 2015👍 big.Float support has been added
ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "$", Precision: 2} fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigFloat(big.NewFloat(123456789.213123))) // "$123,456,789.21"fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigFloat(big.NewFloat(12345678))) // "$12,345,678.00"ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "€", Precision: 2, Thousand: ".", Decimal: ","} fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigFloat(big.NewFloat(4999.99))) // "€4.999,99"fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigFloat(big.NewFloat(-4999.99))) // "€-4.999,99"ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "£ ", Precision: 0} fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigFloat(big.NewFloat(-500000))) // "£ -500,000"ac = accounting.Accounting{Symbol: "GBP", Precision: 0, Format: "%s %v", FormatNegative: "%s (%v)", FormatZero: "%s --"} fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigFloat(big.NewFloat(1000000))) // "GBP 1,000,000"fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigFloat(big.NewFloat(-5000))) // "GBP (5,000)"fmt.Println(ac.FormatMoneyBigFloat(big.NewFloat(0))) // "GBP --"