app v6.3.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-04-07 // about 4 years ago
  • Hello there.

    This version allows setting environment variables to the HTTP Handler that are passed to the WebAssembly app.

    How to use?

    Set the environment variables in the app.Handler:

    app.Handler{ Env: app.Environment { "CUSTOM\_FOO", "foo", "CUSTOM\_BAR", "bar", }, }

    Then in the WebAssembly app, retrieve it by calling Getenv:

    foo := app.Getenv("CUSTOM\_FOO")

    🐛 Bug fixes/minor changes

    • ⚡️ Child node parent is now properly set when a node is added during an update
    • 💻 Browser storage have a memory implementation in non-wasm architecture
    • 💻 A Dispatcher type has been added to describe a function that is executed on the UI goroutine
    • ⚡️ Readme has been updated to show contributors
