app v6.3.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-04-20 // about 4 years ago
  • Hello,
    ⚡️ Here is a minor update that addresses reported issues:

    • OnDismount method is now called when the Dismounter interface is implemented
    • ➕ Added the JSValue function that allows getting the underlying syscall/js value from a javascript value

      // JSValue returns the underlying syscall/js value of the given Javascript// value.func JSValue(v Value) js.Value { return jsval(v) }

    • 💅 HTTP handler can now be set to use a light version of app.css. The light version does not provide default styling for HTML elements. It can be enabled by setting the UseMinimalDefaultStyles to true:

      h := app.Handler{ UseMinimalDefaultStyles: true, }

    Thanks to @jwmach1, @voldyman, and @ruanwenfeng for reporting issues and submitting PR.