An extension of the worker queue pattern described in or to allow graceful stopping, queryable work status, and more generic jobs.
Bifrost alternatives and similar packages
Based on the "Goroutines" category.
Alternatively, view Bifrost alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
goworker is a Go-based background worker that runs 10 to 100,000* times faster than Ruby-based workers. -
:speedboat: a limited consumer goroutine or unlimited goroutine pool for easier goroutine handling and cancellation -
DISCONTINUED. 👷 Library for safely running groups of workers concurrently or consecutively that require input and output through channels -
A safe way to execute functions asynchronously, recovering them in case of panic. It also provides an error stack aiming to facilitate fail causes discovery. -
Go asynchronous simple function utilities, for managing execution of closures and callbacks -
Hunch provides functions like: All, First, Retry, Waterfall etc., that makes asynchronous flow control more intuitive. -
gpool - a generic context-aware resizable goroutines pool to bound concurrency based on semaphore. -
Gowl is a process management and process monitoring tool at once. An infinite worker pool gives you the ability to control the pool and processes and monitor their status. -
Unlimited job queue for go, using a pool of concurrent workers processing the job queue entries -
A pool that spins up a given number of processes in advance and attaches stdin and stdout when needed. Very similar to FastCGI but works for any command. -
A concurrent toolkit to help execute funcs concurrently in an efficient and safe way. It supports specifying the overall timeout to avoid blocking. -
Concurrency limiter with support for timeouts , dynamic priority and context cancellation of goroutines. -
package queue gives you a queue group accessibility. Helps you to limit goroutines, wait for the end of the all goroutines and much more. -
Hands is a process controller used to control the execution and return strategies of multiple goroutines. -
AsyncJob is an asynchronous queue job manager with light code, clear and speed. I hope so ! 😬
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of Bifrost or a related project?
ᛉ Bifröst - a queryable in-process worker queue
[gofrost](repo/vikgopher.gif "BiFrost")
Package bifrost contains functionality to create an in-process job queue with a configurable number of goroutine via workers. It also includes the ability to query scheduled jobs for status (completed jobs are purged at a configurable interval)
package main
import (
func main() {
stdoutWriter := json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout)
dispatcher := bifrost.NewWorkerDispatcher(
// Queue a job func
tracker := dispatcher.QueueFunc(func() error {
return nil
// Queue a 'JobRunner'
dispatcher.Queue(bifrost.JobRunnerFunc(func() error {
return nil
// Print out incomplete status
status := tracker.Status()
// {"ID":0,"Complete":false,"Start":"2017-03-23T21:51:27.140681968-07:00"}
// wait on completion
// Status is now complete
status = tracker.Status()
// {"ID":0,"Complete":true,"Success":true,"Start":"2017-03-23T21:51:27.140681968-07:00","Finish":"2017-03-23T21:51:27.140830827-07:00"}
// Queue a job that will 'fail'
tracker = dispatcher.QueueFunc(func() error {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed")
// Show failure status
status = tracker.Status()
// {"ID":2,"Complete":true,"Success":false,"Error":"Failed","Start":"2017-03-23T21:51:27.141026625-07:00","Finish":"2017-03-23T21:51:27.141079871-07:00"}
// Query for a job's status.
tracker, _ = dispatcher.JobStatus(tracker.ID())
status = tracker.Status()
// {"ID":2,"Complete":true,"Success":false,"Error":"Failed","Start":"2017-03-23T21:51:27.141026625-07:00","Finish":"2017-03-23T21:51:27.141079871-07:00"}
// Show all jobs
jobs := dispatcher.Jobs()
// [{"ID":2,"Complete":true,"Success":false,"Error":"Failed","Start":"2017-03-23T21:51:27.141026625-07:00","Finish":"2017-03-23T21:51:27.141079871-07:00"},{"ID":0,"Complete":true,"Success":true,"Start":"2017-03-23T21:51:27.140681968-07:00","Finish":"2017-03-23T21:51:27.140830827-07:00"},{"ID":1,"Complete":true,"Success":true,"Start":"2017-03-23T21:51:27.140684331-07:00","Finish":"2017-03-23T21:51:27.140873087-07:00"}]
// wait for jobs to be purged
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 5)
// should now be empty
jobs = dispatcher.Jobs()
// []
If you've read the blog posts Handling 1 Million Requests per Minute with Go or Writing worker queues, in Go this will look very familiar. The main machinery in Bifrost is basically identical to the functionality described in those blog posts, but with a couple added features I wanted for my project.
Added Features:
- Generic jobs: any
func() error
or type that implementsfunc Run() error
can be queued as a job. - Graceful shutdown: when dispatcher is stopped, waits for running jobs to complete.
- Tracking: queued jobs are given an ID that can be used to query for status later.
- Cleanup: completed jobs are cleaned up after a configurable amount of time.
Lacks (might add these later):
- Lost jobs: if the dispatcher is stopped before all jobs are sent to a worker, unsent jobs may be ignored.
- Errant jobs: jobs taking longer than expected cannot be cancelled.
- Single process: this package does not include functionality to schedule jobs across multiple processes via AMQP, gRPC, or otherwise.
For an example, see the [test](dispatcher_test.go) or example [command line app](example/main.go).
Obligatory "not for use in production" but I do welcome feedback.
Bifröst (pronounce B-eye-frost popularly, or traditionally more like Beefroast) is the bridge between the realms of Earth and Asgard (the heavens) in norse mythology.
The Futhark ᛉ Elhaz/Algiz is seen as the symbol for Bifröst, or at least according to this thing I Googled.
The symbology intended is that dispatcher is a 'bridge' between the scheduling goroutine and the worker goroutine.
Honestly I just needed a cool Norse thing to name this, I was reaching. Not to be taken too seriously.