fzf v0.34.0 Release Notes

    • โž• Added support for adaptive --height. If the --height value is prefixed with ~, fzf will automatically determine the height in the range according to the input size.

      seq 1 | fzf --height ~70% --border --padding 1 --margin 1
      seq 10 | fzf --height ~70% --border --padding 1 --margin 1
      seq 100 | fzf --height ~70% --border --padding 1 --margin 1
      • There are a few limitations

        • Not compatible with percent top/bottom margin/padding ```sh # This is not allowed (top/bottom margin in percent value) fzf --height ~50% --border --margin 5%,10%

        # This is allowed (top/bottom margin in fixed value) fzf --height ~50% --border --margin 2,10%

        - fzf will not start until it can determine the right height for the input
          # fzf will open immediately
          (sleep 2; seq 10) | fzf --height 50%
          # fzf will open after 2 seconds
          (sleep 2; seq 10) | fzf --height ~50%
          (sleep 2; seq 1000) | fzf --height ~50%
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixed tcell renderer used to render full-screen fzf on Windows

    • ๐Ÿ—„ --no-clear is deprecated. Use reload action instead.