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Selenium Hub successor running browsers within containers. Scalable, immutable, self hosted Selenium-Grid on any platform with single binary.
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Go Grid Router
Go Grid Router (aka Ggr) is a lightweight active load balancer used to create scalable and highly-available Selenium clusters. [Ggr Animation](docs/img/ggr-animation.gif)
Quick Start Guide
To use Go Grid Router do the following: 1) Install Docker to host 2) Create configuration directory:
$ mkdir -p /etc/grid-router/quota
3) Create users.htpasswd
$ htpasswd -bc /etc/grid-router/users.htpasswd test test-password
4) Start Selenium standalone server on port 4445:
$ java -jar selenium-server-standalone.jar -port 4445
You can also start Selenoid instead.
5) Create quota file (use correct browser name and version):
$ cat /etc/grid-router/quota/test.xml
<qa:browsers xmlns:qa="">
<browser name="firefox" defaultVersion="59.0">
<version number="59.0">
<region name="1">
<host name="localhost" port="4445" count="1"/>
Note: file name should correspond to user name you added to htpasswd file. For user test
we added on previous steps you should create test.xml
6) Start Ggr container:
# docker run -d --name ggr -v /etc/grid-router/:/etc/grid-router:ro --net host aerokube/ggr:latest-release
7) Access Ggr on port 4444 in the same way you do for Selenium Hub but using the following url:
Complete Guide & Build Instructions
Complete reference guide (including build instructions) can be found at: