
Programming language: Go
License: MIT License
Tags: Web Frameworks    

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Don - Go API Framework


Don is a fast & simple API framework written in Go. It features a super-simple API and thanks to fasthttp and a custom version of httprouter it's blazing fast and has a low memory footprint.

As Don uses the new Go generics it requires Go 1.18 to work. Also, it's still in beta and the API may yet have breaking changes, so it's not recommended for production use yet.


Basic Example

package main

import (

  _ "github.com/abemedia/go-don/encoding/json" // Enable JSON parsing & rendering.
  _ "github.com/abemedia/go-don/encoding/yaml" // Enable YAML parsing & rendering.

type GreetRequest struct {
  Name string `path:"name"`         // Get name from the URL path.
  Age  int    `header:"X-User-Age"` // Get age from HTTP header.

type GreetResponse struct {
  // Remember to add all the tags for the renderers you enable.
  Greeting string `json:"data" yaml:"data"`

func Greet(ctx context.Context, req GreetRequest) (*GreetResponse, error) {
  if req.Name == "" {
    return nil, don.Error(errors.New("missing name"), http.StatusBadRequest)

  res := &GreetResponse{
    Greeting: fmt.Sprintf("Hello %s, you're %d years old.", req.Name, req.Age),

  return res, nil

func Pong(context.Context, don.Empty) (string, error) {
  return "pong", nil

func main() {
  r := don.New(nil)
  r.Get("/ping", don.H(Pong)) // Handlers are wrapped with `don.H`.
  r.Post("/greet/:name", don.H(Greet))


Don is configured by passing in the Config struct to don.New.

r := don.New(&don.Config{
  DefaultEncoding: "application/json",
  DisableNoContent: false,


Set this to the format you'd like to use if no Content-Type or Accept headers are in the request.


If you return nil from your handler, Don will respond with an empty body and a 204 No Content status code. Set this to true to disable that behaviour.

Support multiple formats

Support multiple request & response formats without writing extra parsing or rendering code. The API uses the Content-Type and Accept headers to determine what input and output encoding to use.

You can mix multiple formats, for example if the Content-Type header is set to application/json, however the Accept header is set to application/x-yaml, then the request will be parsed as JSON, and the response will be YAML encoded.

If no Content-Type or Accept header is passed the default will be used.

Formats need to be explicitly imported e.g.

import _ "github.com/abemedia/go-don/encoding/yaml"

Currently supported formats


MIME: application/json

Parses JSON requests & encodes responses as JSON. Use the json tag in your request & response structs.


MIME: application/xml, text/xml

Parses XML requests & encodes responses as XML. Use the xml tag in your request & response structs.


MIME: application/x-yaml, text/x-yaml

Parses YAML requests & encodes responses as YAML. Use the yaml tag in your request & response structs.

Form (input only)

MIME: application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data

Parses form data requests. Use the form tag in your request struct.


MIME: text/plain

Parses non-struct requests and encodes non-struct responses e.g. string, int, bool etc.

func MyHandler(ctx context.Context, req int64) (string, error) {
  // ...

If the request is a struct and the Content-Type header is set to text/plain it returns a 415 Unsupported Media Type error.


MIME: application/x-msgpack

Parses MessagePack requests & encodes responses as MessagePack. Use the msgpack tag in your request & response structs.

Adding custom encoding

Adding your own is easy. See [encoding/json/json.go](./blob/master/encoding/json/json.go).

Request parsing

Automatically unmarshals values from headers, URL query, URL path & request body into your request struct.

type MyRequest struct {
  // Get from the URL path.
  ID int64 `path:"id"`

  // Get from the URL query.
  Filter string `query:"filter"`

  // Get from the JSON, YAML, XML or form body.
  Content float64 `form:"bar" json:"bar" yaml:"bar" xml:"bar"`

  // Get from the HTTP header.
  Lang string `header:"Accept-Language"`

Please note that using a pointer as the request type negatively affects performance.

Headers & response codes

Implement the StatusCoder and Headerer interfaces to customise headers and response codes.

type MyResponse struct {
  Foo  string `json:"foo"`

// Set a custom HTTP response code.
func (nr *MyResponse) StatusCode() int {
  return 201

// Add custom headers to the response.
func (nr *MyResponse) Header() http.Header {
  header := http.Header{}
  header.Set("foo", "bar")
  return header


You can create sub-routers using the Group function:

r := don.New(nil)
sub := r.Group("/api")


Don uses the standard fasthttp middleware format of func(fasthttp.RequestHandler) fasthttp.RequestHandler.

For example:

func loggingMiddleware(next fasthttp.RequestHandler) fasthttp.RequestHandler {
  return func(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {

It is registered on a router using Use e.g.

r := don.New(nil)
r.Post("/", don.H(handler))

Middleware registered on a group only applies to routes in that group and child groups.

r := don.New(nil)
r.Get("/login", don.H(loginHandler))
r.Use(loggingMiddleware) // applied to all routes

api := r.Group("/api")
api.Get("/hello", don.H(helloHandler))
api.Use(authMiddleware) // applied to routes `/api/hello` and `/api/v2/bye`

v2 := api.Group("/v2")
v2.Get("/bye", don.H(byeHandler))
v2.Use(corsMiddleware) // only applied to `/api/v2/bye`

To pass values from the middleware to the handler extend the context e.g.

func myMiddleware(next fasthttp.RequestHandler) fasthttp.RequestHandler {
  return func(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
    ctx.SetUserValue(ContextUserKey, "my_user")

This can now be accessed in the handler:

user := ctx.Value(ContextUserKey).(string)


To give you a rough idea of Don's performance, here is a comparison with Gin.

Request Parsing

Don has extremely fast & efficient binding of request data.

Benchmark name (1) (2) (3) (4)
BenchmarkDon_BindRequest 2497761 469.8 ns/op 104 B/op 2 allocs/op
BenchmarkGin_BindRequest 296085 3970 ns/op 1273 B/op 31 allocs/op

Source: benchmarks/binding_test.go

Serving HTTP Requests

Keep in mind that the majority of time here is actually the HTTP roundtrip.

Benchmark name (1) (2) (3) (4)
BenchmarkDon_HTTP 59714 19951 ns/op 73 B/op 3 allocs/op
BenchmarkGin_HTTP 34322 34331 ns/op 2304 B/op 20 allocs/op

Source: benchmarks/http_test.go