go-simple-mail v2.1.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-09-21 // over 4 years ago
  • ⚡️ This update change you connect and send email. Useful for create multiples clients and send with persistent connection with a lot of connections

    -NewSMTPServer() change to NewSMTPClient() and return new SMTPClient struct
    -New() change to NewMSG()
    -Public function Send() only receive SMTPClient struct
    -Private function send() receive SMTPClient struct instead SendTimeout, Client and KeepAlive
    -Double verification in send, first that SMTPClient struct is not nil and Client is not nil
    -Public function Connect() return SMTPClient struct
    -Private function checkKeepAlive() only receive SMTPClient struct
    ⚡️ -Updated readme

    ⚡️ Note: this update is for v2.1.0 and is not compatible with v2.0.0