GoSublime v18.08.29 Release Notes

    • implement more aggressive gocode caching. behind the scenes, imported/type-checked packages are cached until the respective package is edited.

      • it should now be ok to use Source: true option without slowdowns.
      • as a bonus, go modules should now have completion with Source: true
      • please note that Source: true uses a lot more memory (see below for details about cache pruning)
      • if both &golang.Gocode{Source: true} and &golang.GocodeCalltips{Source: true} use Source: true, they will share the cache (less memory use)
    • ➕ add new reducer &golang.MarGocodeCtl{} this allows manual cache management using the new margocodectl command

      • to clear the cache use the command margocodectl cache-prune run margocodectl for info about how to use the command
      • automated cache pruning will be implemented in the future