GoSublime v18.09.25 Release Notes

    • 0️⃣ Switch golang.Gocode and golang.GocodeCalltips to new mode SrcImporterWithFallback by default

    This should improve the experience a lot:

    • in the old Source: true mode, CGO packages often failed
    • in the old Source: false mode, you had to make sure the package was installed and up-to-date
    • in this new mode, we try the more reliable source mode and fallback to the binary mode if it fails

    As a result, the Source: bool fields are now ignored. To restore the old behaviour, use the golang.MarGocodeCtl reducer:

        ImporterMode: golang.SrcImporterOnly,
        // or
        ImporterMode: golang.BinImporterOnly,
    • replace margocodectl cache-list-by-key and cache-list-by-dur with cache-list see margocodectl cache-list --help

    • 👌 Improve FmtCmd's error message

    When goimports fails due to a syntax error, the parse error should now be shown as well and not just the meaningless exit 2 error message