

With AWS CloudWatch Logs's Insights service, you can query your application logs like a database, allowing you to discover rich debugging, operational, and business insights from your massive troves of log data distributed across the cloud!

Incite is a native GoLang library that streamlines your interactions with the CloudWatch Logs Insights API using minimalist, native Go, paradigms. Incite gets the API out of the way so you can focus on app development.

Features include: Streaming, query Multiplexing, query Chunking, result Previewing, and result Unmarshalling cleanly wrapped up in an intuitive Go-native interface.

Programming language: Go
License: MIT License

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Incite! - CloudWatch Insights queries made (very) easy

Build Status Go Report Card PkgGoDev

What is Incite!?

With AWS CloudWatch Logs's Insights service, you can query your application logs like a database, allowing you to discover rich debugging, operational, and business insights from your massive troves of log data distributed across the cloud!

Incite is a native GoLang library that streamlines your interactions with the CloudWatch Logs Insights API using minimalist, native Go, paradigms. Incite gets the API out of the way so you can focus on app development.


  • Streaming. The CloudWatch Logs Insights API makes you poll your queries until they are done, requiring boilerplate code that is hard to write efficiently. Incite does the polling for you and gives you your query results as a stream!
  • Auto-Chunking. Each AWS CloudWatch Logs Insights query is limited to 10,000 results and AWS recommends you chunk your queries into smaller time ranges if your query exceeds 10K results. Incite does this chunking automatically and merges the results of all chunks into one convenient stream.
  • Dynamic Splitting. Since v1.2.0, Incite can dynamically detect when a query chunk exceeds the 10K result limit, split that chunk into sub-chunks, and re-query the chunks, all automatically and without intervention.
  • Multiplexing. Incite efficiently runs multiple queries at the same time and is smart enough to do this without getting throttled or going over your CloudWatch Logs service quota limits.
  • Previewing. AWS CloudWatch Logs Insights can give you intermediate results before the query is done. Incite supports an optional previewing mode to give you these early results as soon as they are available, increasing your app's responsiveness.
  • Unmarshalling. The CloudWatch Logs Insights API can only give you unstructured key/value string pairs, so you have to write more boilerplate code to put your results into a useful structure for analysis. Incite lets you unmarshal your results into maps or structs using a single function call. Incite supports tag-based field mapping just like encoding/json. (And it supportsjson:"..." tags as well as its native incite:"..." tags, right out of the box!)
  • Go Native. Incite gives you a more Go-friendly coding experience than the AWS SDK for Go, including getting rid of unnecessary pointers and using standard types like time.Time.
  • Optional Logging. If your app needs to provide real-time diagnostic information about how Incite is interacting with CloudWatch Logs, Incite lets you plug in a logger to listen for interesting events.

Getting Started

Get the code

$ go get github.com/gogama/incite


  • For quick prototyping and scripting type work, simplify your life using the globalQuery function.
  • When you need finer control over what your app is doing, create a new QueryManager using NewQueryManager and query it using its Query method.
  • To read all the results from a stream, use the global ReadAll function.
  • To unmarshal the results into a structure of your choice, use the global Unmarshal function.

A simple app

package main

import (


func main() {
    // Use the AWS SDK for Go to get the CloudWatch API actions Incite needs.
    // For simplicity we assume that the correct AWS region and credentials are
    // already set in the environment.
    a := cloudwatchlogs.New(session.Must(session.NewSession()))

    // Create a QueryManager. An alternative to using a QueryManager is just
    // using the global scope Query function.
    m := incite.NewQueryManager(incite.Config{Actions: a})
    defer func() {
        _ = m.Close()

    // Look at the last 15 minutes.
    end := time.Now().Truncate(time.Second)
    start := end.Add(-15*time.Minute)

    // Query the results.
    s, err := m.Query(incite.QuerySpec{
        Text:   "fields @timestamp, @message | filter @message =~ /foo/ | sort @timestamp desc",
        Start:  start,
        End:    end,
        Groups: []string{"/my/log/group"},
        Limit:  100,
    if err != nil {
    data, err := incite.ReadAll(s)
    if err != nil {

    // Unpack the results into a structured format.
    var v []struct{
        Timestamp time.Time `incite:"@timestamp"`
        Message string      `incite:"@message"`
    err = incite.Unmarshal(data, &v)
    if err != nil {

    // Print the results!


Works with all Go versions 1.14 and up, and AWS SDK for Go V1 versions 1.21.6 and up.


Official AWS documentation: Analyzing log data with CloudWatch Logs Insights. Find Insights' query syntax documentation here and the API reference here (look for StartQuery, GetQueryResults, and StopQuery).


Developer happiness on this project was embiggened by JetBrains, which generously donated an open source license for their lovely GoLand IDE. Thanks JetBrains!

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Incite! README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.