nsq v0.2.20 Release Notes

Release Date: 2013-05-13 // almost 11 years ago
  • ⬆️ Upgrading from 0.2.19: there are no backward incompatible changes in this release.

    This release adds a couple of convenient features (such as adding the ability to empty a topic) and continues our work to reduce garbage produced at runtime to relieve GC pressure in the Go ⚙ runtime.

    nsqd now has two new flags to control the max value clients can use to set their heartbeat interval as well as adjust a clients maximum RDY count. This is all set/communicated via IDENTIFY.

    nsqadmin now displays nsqd -> nsqlookupd connections in the "nodes" view. This is useful for visualizing how the topology is connected as well as situations where --broadcast-address is being 👉 used incorrectly.

    nsq_to_http now has a "host pool" mode where upstream state will be adjusted based on successful/failed requests and for failures, upstreams will be exponentially backed off. This is an incredibly useful routing mode.

    🛠 As for bugs, we fixed an issue where "fatal" client errors were not actually being treated as fatal. Under certain conditions deleting a topic would not clean up all of its files on disk. There was a reported issue where the --data-path was not writable by the process and this was only discovered after message flow began. We added a writability check at startup to improve feedback. Finally. deferred_count was being sent as a counter value to statsd, it should be a gauge.

    🆕 New Features / Enhancements:

    • #197 - nsqadmin nodes list improvements (show nsqd -> lookupd conns)
    • #192 - add golang runtime version to daemon version output
    • #183 - ability to empty a topic
    • #176 - optimizations to reduce garbage, copying, locking
    • #184 - add table headers to nsqadmin channel view (thanks @elubow)
    • #174/#186 - nsq_to_http hostpool mode and backoff control
    • #173/#187 - nsq_stat utility for command line introspection
    • #175 - add nsqd --max-rdy-count configuration option
    • #178 - add nsqd --max-heartbeat-interval configuration option

    🐛 Bug Fixes:

    • #198 - fix fatal errors not actually being fatal
    • #195 - fix delete topic does not delete all diskqueue files
    • #193 - fix data race in channel requeue
    • #185 - ensure that --data-path is writable on startup
    • #182 - fix topic deletion ordering to prevent race conditions with lookupd/diskqueue
    • #179 - deferred_count as gauge for statsd
    • #173/#188/#191 - fix nsqadmin counter template error; fix nsqadmin displaying negative rates