nsq v0.2.28 Release Notes

Release Date: 2014-04-28 // almost 10 years ago
  • ⬆️ Upgrading from 0.2.27: No backwards incompatible changes. We've deprecated the short_id and long_id options in the IDENTIFY command in favor of client_id and hostname, which more accurately reflect the data typically used.

    🚀 This release includes a few important new features, in particular enhanced nsqd 👍 TLS support thanks to a big contribution by @chrisroberts.

    You can now require that clients negotiate TLS with --tls-required and you can configure a client certificate policy via --tls-client-auth-policy (require or require-verify):

    • require - the client must offer a certificate, otherwise rejected
    • require-verify - the client must offer a valid certificate according to the default CA or the chain specified by --tls-root-ca-file, otherwise rejected

    This can be used as a form of client authentication.

    ➕ Additionally, nsqd is now structured such that it is importable in other Go applications via github.com/nsqio/nsq/nsqd, thanks to @kzvezdarov.

    Finally, thanks to @paddyforan, nsq_to_file can now archive multiple topics or optionally archive all discovered topics (by specifying no --topic params and using --lookupd-http-address).

    🆕 New Features / Enhancements:

    • #334 - nsq_to_file can archive many topics (thanks @paddyforan)
    • #327 - add nsqd TLS client certificate verification policy, ability to require TLS, and HTTPS support (thanks @chrisroberts)
    • #325 - make nsqd importable (github.com/nsqio/nsq/nsqd) (thanks @kzvezdarov)
    • #321 - improve IDENTIFY options (replace short_id and long_id with client_id and hostname)
    • #319 - allow path separator in nsq_to_file filenames (thanks @jsocol)
    • #324 - display memory depth and total depth in nsq_stat

    🐛 Bug Fixes:

    • nsqio/go-nsq#19 and nsqio/go-nsq#29 - fix deadlocks on nsq.Reader connection close/exit, this impacts the utilities packaged with the NSQ binary distribution such as nsq_to_file, nsq_to_http, nsq_to_nsq and nsq_tail.
    • #329 - use heartbeat interval for write deadline
    • #321/#326 - improve benchmarking tests
    • #315/#318 - fix test data races / flakiness