All Versions
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Avg Release Cycle
124 days
Latest Release
983 days ago

Changelog History
Page 1

  • v1.2.1 Changes

    August 15, 2021

    โฌ†๏ธ Upgrading

    • #1227 - bump dependencies, officially drop dep support, drop Go 1.9 support

    ๐Ÿ”‹ Features:

    • #1347 - nsqadmin: switch to go:embed for static assets
    • #1355 / #1364 - arm64 builds (thanks @danbf)
    • #1346 - nsqd: ability to skip ephemeral topics/channels in statsd output
    • #1336 / #1341 / #1343 - nsqd: ability to configure auth endpoint path (thanks @tufanbarisyildirim)
    • #1307 - remove Context to use stdlib context
    • #1295 / #1296 - switch to GitHub Actions CI
    • #1292 - nsqd: minimize allocations on message send (thanks @imxyb)
    • #1289 - optimize uniq (thanks @donutloop)
    • #1230 / #1232 - nsqd: ability to omit memory stats from /stats (thanks @creker)
    • #1226 - nsqd: only update internal RDY count for client when it changes (thanks @andyxning)
    • #1221 / #1363 - test against more recent versions of Go
    • #1209 - nsqd: bump go-diskqueue (interface change) (thanks @bitpeng)
    • #1206 - prefer idiomatic sort.Ints over sort.Sort (thanks @lelenanam)
    • #1197 / #1362 - Dockerfile: update Alpine base image, use /data by default
    • #1178 - nsqd: configurable queue scan worker pool (thanks @andyxning)
    • #1159 - nsqd: don't buffer messages when --mem-queue-size=0 (thanks @bitpeng)
    • #1073 / #1297 - nsqd: support separate broadcast ports for TCP and HTTP (thanks @shyam-king)

    ๐Ÿ› Bugs:

    • #1347 - nsqadmin: fix graphite key for ephemeral topics/channels
    • #765 / #1195 / #1203 / #1205 - fix build on illumos (thanks @i-sevostyanov)
    • #1333 - fix race detector tests on non-bash shells
    • #1330 - fix log_level support in configuration file (thanks @edoger)
    • #1319 / #1331 / #1361 - nsqd: handle SIGTERM
    • #1287 - nsqadmin: fix --proxy-graphite support (thanks @fanlix)
    • #1270 / #1271 - nsqlookupd: fix incorrect error message for HTTP listener (thanks @TangDH03)
    • #1264 - fix benchmark script
    • #1251 / #1314 / #1327 - nsqd: fix live lock for high churn ephemeral topic/channel reconnections (thanks @slayercat)
    • #1237 - Dockerfile: add nsswitch.conf to ensure go resolver uses /etc/hosts first
    • #1217 / #1220 - nsqd: improve error message when --data-path does not exist (thanks @mdh67899)
    • #1198 / #1190 / #1262 - synchronize close of all connections on Exit (thanks @benjsto)
    • #1188 / #1189 - nsqadmin: fix channel delete, fix source-maps in Firefox (thanks @avtrifanov)
    • #1186 - nsqadmin: fix nodes list with ipv6 addresses (thanks @andyxning)
  • v1.2.0 Changes

    August 26, 2019


    • ๐Ÿ“‡ #1055 - nsqd: removed support for old metadata scheme used in v0.3.8 and earlier
      • you cannot upgrade directly from v0.3.8 to v1.2.0, you must go through v1.0.0-compat or v1.1.0
    • #1115 - manage dependencies with go modules
      • dep support still present for now, but deprecated

    ๐Ÿ”‹ Features:

    • 0๏ธโƒฃ #1136 - nsqd: add --max-channel-consumers (default unlimited) (thanks @andyxning)
    • 0๏ธโƒฃ #1133 - nsqd: add --min-output-buffer-timeout (default 25ms) to limit how low a timeout a consumer can request
      • and raise default --max-output-buffer-timeout to 30 seconds (lower timeout, more cpu usage)
    • #1127 - nsqd: add topic total message bytes to stats (thanks @andyxning)
    • 0๏ธโƒฃ #1125 - nsqd: add flag to adjust default --output-buffer-timeout (thanks @andyxning)
    • #1163 - nsqd: add random load balancing for authd requests (thanks @shenhui0509)
    • #1119 - nsqd: include client TLS cert CommonName in authd requests
    • #1147 - nsq_to_file: include topic/channel in most log messages
    • #1117 - nsq_to_file: add --log-level and --log-prefix flags
    • #1117/#1120/#1123 - nsq_to_file: big refactor, more robust file switching and syncing and error handling
    • #1118 - nsqd: add param to /stats endpoint to allow skipping per-client stats (much faster if many clients)
    • #1118 - nsqadmin, nsq_stat: use include_clients param for /stats for a big speedup for big clusters
    • #1110 - nsq_to_file: support for separate working directory with --work-dir (thanks @mccutchen)
    • #856 - nsqadmin: add --base-path flag (thanks @blinklv)
    • #1072 - nsq_to_http: add --header flag (thanks @alwindoss)
    • #881 - nsqd: add producer client tcp connections to stats (thanks @sparklxb)
    • #1071/#1074 - nsq_to_file: new flag --sync-interval (default same as previous behavior, 30 seconds) (thanks @alpaker)

    ๐Ÿ› Bugs:

    • #1153 - nsqd: close connections that don't send "magic" header (thanks @JoseFeng)
    • ๐Ÿ‘ #1140 - nsqd: exit on all fatal Accept() errors - restart enables better recovery for some conditions (thanks @mdh67899)
    • ๐Ÿ”จ #1140 - nsqd, nsqlookupd, nsqadmin: refactor LogLevel, general refactor to better exit on all fatal errors
    • #1140 - nsqadmin: switch to using judwhite/go-svc like nsqd and nsqadmin do
    • #1134 - nsqadmin: fix clients count and channel total message rate (new bugs introduced in this cycle)
    • #1132 - nsqd, nsqlookupd, nsqadmin: fix http error response unreliable json serialization
    • #1116 - nsqlookupd: fix orphaned ephemeral topics in registration DB
    • #1109 - nsqd: fix topic message mis-counting if there are backend write errors (thanks @SwanSpouse)
    • โšก๏ธ #1099 - nsqlookupd: optimize /nodes endpoint, much better for hundreds of nsqd (thanks @andyxning)
    • #1085 - switch GOFLAGS to BLDFLAGS in Makefile now that GOFLAGS is automatically used by go
    • ๐Ÿ‘• #1080 - nsqadmin: eslint reported fixes/cleanups
  • v1.1.0 Changes

    August 19, 2018

    Upgrading from 1.0.0-compat : Just a few backwards incompatible changes:

    • ๐Ÿšš #1056 - Removed the nsq_pubsub utility
    • โฑ #873 - nsqd flags --msg-timeout and --statsd-interval only take duration strings
      • plain integer no longer supported
    • #921 - nsqd: http /mpub endpoint binary param interprets "0" or "false" to mean text mode
      • previously any value meant to use binary mode instead of text mode - (thanks @andyxning)

    ๐Ÿš€ The previous release, version "1.0.0-compat", was curiously-named to indicate an almost (but not quite) complete transition to a 1.0 api-stable release line. Confusingly, this follow-up release which completes the transition comes more than a year later. Because there have been a fair number of changes and improvements in the past year, an additional minor version bump seems appropriate.

    ๐Ÿ”‹ Features:

    • #874 - nsqd: add memory stats to http /stats response (thanks @sparklxb)
    • ๐Ÿ—„ #892 - nsqd, nsqlookupd, nsqadmin: add --log-level option (deprecating --verbose) (thanks @antihax)
    • ๐Ÿ”จ #898 - nsqd, nsqlookupd, nsqadmin: logging refactor to use log levels everywhere
    • #914 - nsqadmin: X-Forwarded-User based "admin" permission (thanks @chen-anders)
    • #929 - nsqd: add topic/channel filter to /stats, use in nsqadmin and nsq_stat for efficiency (thanks @andyxning)
    • #936 - nsq_to_file: refactor/cleanup
    • #945 - nsq_to_nsq: support multiple --topic flags (thanks @jlr52)
    • ๐Ÿ‘ #957 - nsq_tail: support multiple --topic flags (thanks @soar)
    • โšก๏ธ #946 - nsqd, nsqadmin: update internal http client with new go http.Transport features (keepalives, timeouts, dualstack)
      • affects metadata/stats requests between nsqadmin, nsqd, nsqlookupd
    • #954 - manage dependencies with dep (replacing gpm) (thanks @judwhite)
    • ๐Ÿ— #957 - multi-stage docker image build (thanks @soar)
    • ๐Ÿ‘ #996 - nsqd: better memory usage when messages have different sizes (thanks @andyxning)
    • โšก๏ธ #1019 - nsqd: optimize random channel selection in queueScanLoop (thanks @vearne)
    • #1025 - nsqd: buffer and spread statsd udp sends (avoid big burst of udp, less chance of loss)
    • โšก๏ธ #1038 - nsqlookupd: optimize for many producers (thousands) (thanks @andyxning)
    • #1050/#1053 - nsqd: new topic can be unlocked faster after creation
    • โšก๏ธ #1062 - nsqadmin: update JS deps

    ๐Ÿ› Bugs:

    • #753 - nsqadmin: fix missing channels in topic list
    • #867 - to_nsq: fix divide-by-zero issue when --rate not specified (thanks @adamweiner)
    • โฑ #868 - nsqd: clamp requeue timeout to range instead of dropping connection (thanks @tsholmes)
    • #891 - nsqd: fix race when client subscribes to ephemeral topic or channel while it is being cleaned up (reported by @slayercat)
    • #927 - nsqd: fix deflate level handling
    • #934 - nsqd: fix channel shutdown flush race
    • #935 - nsq_to_file: fix connection leaks when using --topic-pattern (thanks @jxskiss)
    • ๐Ÿณ #951 - mention docker images and binaries for additional platforms in README (thanks @DAXaholic)
    • #950 - nsqlookupd: close connection when magic read fails (thanks @yc90s)
    • #971 - nsqd: fix some races getting ChannelStats (thanks @daroot)
    • #988 - nsqd: fix e2e timings config example, add range validation (thanks @protoss-player)
    • ๐ŸŒฒ #991 - nsq_tail: logging to stderr (only nsq messages to stdout)
    • #1000 - nsq_to_http: fix http connect/request timeout flags (thanks @kamyanskiy)
    • #993/#1008 - nsqd: fix possible lookupd-identify-error busy-loop (reported by @andyxning)
    • #1005 - nsqadmin: fix typo "Delfate" in connection attrs list (thanks @arussellsaw)
    • ๐Ÿ“‡ #1032 - nsqd: fix loading metadata with messages queued on un-paused topic with multiple channels (thanks @michaelyou)
    • #1004 - nsqlookupd: exit with error when failed to listen on ports (thanks @stephens2424)
    • #1068 - nsqadmin: fix html escaping for large_graph url inside javascript
    • โšก๏ธ misc test suite improvements and updates (go versions, tls certs, ...)
  • v1.1.0-rc1 Changes

    July 31, 2018

    ๐Ÿš€ See release v1.1.0

  • v1.0.0 Changes

    March 22, 2017

    Upgrading from 0.3.8 : Numerous backwards incompatible changes:

    • ๐Ÿšš Deprecated nsqd features removed:
      • Pre-V1 HTTP endpoints / response format:
      • /{m,}put (use /{m,}pub)
      • /{create,delete,empty,pause,unpause}_{topic,channel} (use /{topic,channel}/<operation>)
      • --max-message-size flag (use --max-msg-size)
      • V2 protocol IDENTIFY command short_id and long_id properties (use client_id, hostname, and user_agent)
      • /stats HTTP response name property (use client_id)
    • ๐Ÿšš Deprecated nsqlookupd features removed:
      • Pre-V1 HTTP endpoints / response format:
      • /{create,delete}_{topic,channel} (use /{topic,channel}/<operation>)
      • /tombstone_topic_producer (use /topic/tombstone)
    • ๐Ÿšš Deprecated nsqadmin features removed:
      • --template-dir flag (not required, templates are compiled into binary)
      • --use-statsd-prefixes flag (use --statsd-counter-format and --statsd-gauge-format)
    • nsq_stat --status-every flag (use --interval)
    • --reader-opt on all binaries that had this flag (use --consumer-opt)
    • nsq_to_file --gzip-compression flag (use --gzip-level)
    • nsq_to_http --http-timeout and --http-timeout-ms flags (use --http-connect-timeout and --http-request-timeout)
    • nsq_to_http --round-robin flag (use --mode=round-robin)
    • nsq_to_http --max-backoff-duration flag (use --consumer-opt=max_backoff_duration,X)
    • nsq_to_http --throttle-fraction flag (use --sample=X)
    • nsq_to_nsq --max-backoff-duration flag (use --consumer-opt=max_backoff_duration,X)
    • ๐Ÿš€ nsqd --worker-id deprecated in favor of --node-id (to be fully removed in subsequent release)

    ๐Ÿš€ This is a compatibility release that drops a wide range of previously deprecated features (#367) while introducing some new deprecations (#844) that we intend to fully remove in a subsequent 1.0 release.

    ๐Ÿš€ Of note, all of the pre-1.0 HTTP endpoints (and response formats) are gone. Any clients or tools that use these endpoints/response formats won't work with this release. These changes have been available since 0.2.29 (released in July of 2014). Clients wishing to forwards-compatibly upgrade can either use the new endpoints or send the following header:

    Accept: application/vnd.nsq version=1.0

    ๐Ÿšš Also, many command line flags have been removed โ€” in almost all cases an alternative is available with a (hopefully) more obvious name. These changes have the same affect on config file option names.

    โฌ‡๏ธ On Linux, this release will automatically migrate nsq.<worker-id>.dat named metadata files to nsq.dat in a way that allows users to seamlessly downgrade from this release back to 0.3.8, if necessary. A subsequent release will clean up these convenience symlinks and observe only nsq.dat. See the discussion in #741 and the changes #844 for more details.

    ๐ŸŽ Performance wise, #741 landed which significantly reduces global contention on internal message ID generation, providing a ~1.75x speed improvement on multi-topic benchmarks.

    Finally, a number of minor issues were resolved spanning contributions from 9 community members! Thanks!

    ๐Ÿ”‹ Features:

    • ๐Ÿณ #766 - use alpine base image for official Docker container (thanks @kenjones-cisco)
    • #775 - nsqadmin: /config API (thanks @kenjones-cisco)
    • #776 - nsqadmin, nsq_stat, nsq_to_file, nsq_to_http: HTTP client connect/request timeouts (thanks @kenjones-cisco)
    • โœ… #777/#778/#783/#785 - improve test coverage (thanks @kenjones-cisco)
    • #788 - to_nsq: add --rate message throttling option
    • ๐Ÿ‘€ #367 - purge deprecated features (see above)
    • #741 - nsqd: per-topic message IDs (multi-topic pub benchmarks up to ~1.75x faster)
    • ๐ŸŒฒ #850 - nsqd, nsqlookupd, nsqadmin: add --log-prefix option (thanks @ploxiln)
    • ๐Ÿ—„ #844 - nsqd: deprecate --worker-id for --node-id and drop ID from nsqd.dat file (thanks @ploxiln)

    ๐Ÿ› Bugs:

  • v1.0.0-compat Changes

    March 21, 2017

    Upgrading from 0.3.8 : Numerous backwards incompatible changes:

    • ๐Ÿšš Deprecated nsqd features removed:
      • Pre-V1 HTTP endpoints / response format:
      • /{m,}put (use /{m,}pub)
      • /{create,delete,empty,pause,unpause}_{topic,channel} (use /{topic,channel}/<operation>)
      • --max-message-size flag (use --max-msg-size)
      • V2 protocol IDENTIFY command short_id and long_id properties (use client_id, hostname, and user_agent)
      • /stats HTTP response name property (use client_id)
    • ๐Ÿšš Deprecated nsqlookupd features removed:
      • Pre-V1 HTTP endpoints / response format:
      • /{create,delete}_{topic,channel} (use /{topic,channel}/<operation>)
      • /tombstone_topic_producer (use /topic/tombstone)
    • ๐Ÿšš Deprecated nsqadmin features removed:
      • --template-dir flag (not required, templates are compiled into binary)
      • --use-statsd-prefixes flag (use --statsd-counter-format and --statsd-gauge-format)
    • nsq_stat --status-every flag (use --interval)
    • --reader-opt on all binaries that had this flag (use --consumer-opt)
    • nsq_to_file --gzip-compression flag (use --gzip-level)
    • nsq_to_http --http-timeout and --http-timeout-ms flags (use --http-connect-timeout and --http-request-timeout)
    • nsq_to_http --round-robin flag (use --mode=round-robin)
    • nsq_to_http --max-backoff-duration flag (use --consumer-opt=max_backoff_duration,X)
    • nsq_to_http --throttle-fraction flag (use --sample=X)
    • nsq_to_nsq --max-backoff-duration flag (use --consumer-opt=max_backoff_duration,X)
    • ๐Ÿš€ nsqd --worker-id deprecated in favor of --node-id (to be fully removed in subsequent release)

    ๐Ÿš€ This is a compatibility release that drops a wide range of previously deprecated features (#367) while introducing some new deprecations (#844) that we intend to fully remove in a subsequent 1.0 release.

    ๐Ÿš€ Of note, all of the pre-1.0 HTTP endpoints (and response formats) are gone. Any clients or tools that use these endpoints/response formats won't work with this release. These changes have been available since 0.2.29 (released in July of 2014). Clients wishing to forwards-compatibly upgrade can either use the new endpoints or send the following header:

    Accept: application/vnd.nsq version=1.0

    ๐Ÿšš Also, many command line flags have been removed โ€” in almost all cases an alternative is available with a (hopefully) more obvious name. These changes have the same affect on config file option names.

    โฌ‡๏ธ On Linux, this release will automatically migrate nsq.<worker-id>.dat named metadata files to nsq.dat in a way that allows users to seamlessly downgrade from this release back to 0.3.8, if necessary. A subsequent release will clean up these convenience symlinks and observe only nsq.dat. See the discussion in #741 and the changes #844 for more details.

    ๐ŸŽ Performance wise, #741 landed which significantly reduces global contention on internal message ID generation, providing a ~1.75x speed improvement on multi-topic benchmarks.

    Finally, a number of minor issues were resolved spanning contributions from 9 community members! Thanks!

    ๐Ÿ”‹ Features:

    • ๐Ÿณ #766 - use alpine base image for official Docker container (thanks @kenjones-cisco)
    • #775 - nsqadmin: /config API (thanks @kenjones-cisco)
    • #776 - nsqadmin, nsq_stat, nsq_to_file, nsq_to_http: HTTP client connect/request timeouts (thanks @kenjones-cisco)
    • โœ… #777/#778/#783/#785 - improve test coverage (thanks @kenjones-cisco)
    • #788 - to_nsq: add --rate message throttling option
    • ๐Ÿ‘€ #367 - purge deprecated features (see above)
    • #741 - nsqd: per-topic message IDs (multi-topic pub benchmarks up to ~1.75x faster)
    • ๐ŸŒฒ #850 - nsqd, nsqlookupd, nsqadmin: add --log-prefix option (thanks @ploxiln)
    • ๐Ÿ—„ #844 - nsqd: deprecate --worker-id for --node-id and drop ID from nsqd.dat file (thanks @ploxiln)

    ๐Ÿ› Bugs:

  • v0.3.8 Changes

    May 26, 2016

    Upgrading from 0.3.7 : Binaries contain no backwards incompatible changes.

    ๐Ÿš‘ This release fixes a critical regression in 0.3.7 that could result in message loss when attempting to cleanly shutdown nsqd by sending it a SIGTERM. The expected behavior was for it to flush messages in internal buffers to disk before exiting. See #757 and #759 for more details.

    ๐ŸŽ A few performance improvements landed including #743, which improves channel throughput by ~17%, and #740, which reduces garbage when reading messages from disk.

    ๐Ÿ We're now stripping debug info, reducing binary size, in the official binary downloads and Windows binaries are now bundled with the appropriate .exe extension (#726 and #751).

    ๐Ÿ”‹ Features:

    • ๐Ÿšš #743 - nsqd: remove channel messagePump
    • #751 - strip debug info from binaries (thanks @ploxiln)
    • #740 - nsqd: reduce garbage when reading from diskqueue (thanks @Dieterbe)

    ๐Ÿ› Bugs:

    • #757/#759 - nsqd: properly handle SIGTERM (thanks @judwhite)
    • โšก๏ธ #738 - updates for latest go-options
    • ๐Ÿ”€ #730 - nsqd: diskqueue sync count on both read/write
    • #734 - nsqadmin: make rate column work without --proxy-graphite (thanks @ploxiln)
    • ๐Ÿ #726 - add .exe extension to Windows binaries (thanks @ploxiln)
    • #722 - nsqadmin: fix connected duration > 1hr
  • v0.3.7 Changes

    February 24, 2016

    Upgrading from 0.3.6 : Binaries contain no backwards incompatible changes.

    ๐Ÿš€ This release has been built with Go 1.6.

    ๐Ÿ”’ Highlights include the various work done to reduce nsqd lock contention, significantly improving the impact of high load on the /stats endpoint, addressing issues with timeouts and failures in nsqadmin (#700, #701, #703, #709).

    ๐Ÿš€ Thanks to @judwhite, nsqd and nsqlookupd now natively support being run as a Windows service (#718). We're also now publishing official Windows releases.

    ๐Ÿง nsqd will now flock its data directory on linux, preventing two nsqd from running simultaneously pointed at the same path (#583).

    ๐Ÿ›  On the bugfix side, the most noteworthy change is that nsqd will now correctly reset health state on a successful backend write (#671).

    ๐Ÿ”‹ Features:

    ๐Ÿ› Bugs:

    • #672 - nsqd: fix max size accounting in diskqueue (thanks @judwhite)
    • #671 - nsqd: reset health on successful backend write (thanks @judwhite)
    • #615 - nsqd: prevent OOM when reading from nsqlookupd peer
    • #664/#666 - cleanup (thanks @ploxiln)
  • v0.3.6 Changes

    September 25, 2015

    Upgrading from 0.3.5 : Binaries contain no backwards incompatible changes.

    We've adopted the Contributor Covenant 1.2 Code of Conduct (#593). Help us keep NSQ open and inclusive by reading and following this document.

    We closed a few longstanding issues related to nsqadmin, namely (#323, et al.) converting it to an API and single-page app (so that it is much easier to develop), displaying fine-grained errors (#421, #657), and enabling support for --tls-required configurations (#396).

    ๐ŸŽ For nsqd, we added support for deferred publishing aka DPUB (#293), which allows a producer to specify a duration of time to delay initial delivery of the message. We also addressed performance issues relating to large numbers of topics/channels (#577) by removing some per-channel goroutines in favor of a centralized, periodic, garbage collection approach.

    ๐Ÿš€ In order to provide more flexibility when deploying NSQ in dynamically orchestrated topologies, nsqd now supports the ability to configure nsqlookupd peers at runtime via HTTP (#601), eliminating the need to restart the daemon.

    As part of the large nsqadmin refactoring, we took the opportunity to cleanup the internals for all of the daemon's HTTP code paths (#601, #610, #612, #641) as well as improving the test suite so that it doesn't leave around temporary files (#553).

    ๐Ÿ”‹ Features:

    • #593 - add code of conduct
    • #323/#631/#632/#642/#421/#649/#650/#651/#652/#654 - nsqadmin: convert to API / single-page app
    • #653 - nsqadmin: expand notification context
    • #293 - nsqd: add deferred pub (DPUB)
    • ๐Ÿ‘ท #577 - nsqd: drop per-channel queue workers in favor of centralized queue GC
    • ๐ŸŽ #584 - nsqlookupd: improve registration DB performance (thanks @xiaost)
    • ๐Ÿ”ง #601 - nsqd: HTTP endpoints to dynamically configure nsqlookupd peers
    • ๐Ÿ‘ #608 - nsqd: support for filtering /stats to topic/channel (thanks @chrusty)
    • ๐ŸŒฒ #601/#610/#612/#641 - improved HTTP internal routing / log HTTP requests
    • ๐Ÿšค #628 - nsqd: clarify help text for --e2e-processing-latency-percentile
    • #640 - switch --{consumer,producer}-opt to nsq.ConfigFlag

    ๐Ÿ› Bugs:

    • โšก๏ธ #656 - nsqadmin: update statsd prefix to stats.counters
    • #421/#657 - nsqadmin: display upstream/partial errors
    • ๐Ÿ‘ #396 - nsqdamin/nsqd: support for --tls-required
    • ๐Ÿณ #558 - don't overwrite docker root FS
    • #582 - nsqd: ignore benign EOF errors
    • #587 - nsqd: GUID error handling / catch errors if GUID goes backwards (thanks @mpe)
    • ๐Ÿ‘ท #586 - nsqd: fix valid range for --worker-id
    • #550/#602/#617/#618/#619/#620/#622 - nsqd: fix benchmarks (thanks @Dieterbe)
    • โœ… #553 - cleanup test dirs
    • #600 - nsqd: enforce diskqueue min/max message size (thanks @twmb)
  • v0.3.5 Changes

    April 26, 2015

    Upgrading from 0.3.4 : Binaries contain no backwards incompatible changes.

    ๐Ÿš€ This is another quick bug fix release to address the broken nsqadmin binary in the v0.3.4 distribution (see #578).

    ๐Ÿš€ See the release notes for v0.3.3 for more info.