Package orb defines a set of types for working with 2d geo and planar/projected geometric data in Golang. There are a set of sub-packages that use these types to do interesting things. They each provider their own README with extra info.
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Package orb
defines a set of types for working with 2d geo and planar/projected geometric data in Golang.
There are a set of sub-packages that use these types to do interesting things.
They each provider their own README with extra info.
Interesting features
- Simple types - allow for natural operations using the
builtins. - GeoJSON - support as part of the [
](geojson) sub-package. - Mapbox Vector Tile - encoding and decoding as part of the [
](encoding/mvt) sub-package. - Direct to type from DB query results - by scanning WKB data directly into types.
- Rich set of sub-packages - including [
](clip), [simplifing
](simplify), [quadtree
](quadtree) and more.
Type definitions
type Point [2]float64
type MultiPoint []Point
type LineString []Point
type MultiLineString []LineString
type Ring LineString
type Polygon []Ring
type MultiPolygon []Polygon
type Collection []Geometry
type Bound struct { Min, Max Point }
Defining the types as slices allows them to be accessed in an idiomatic way
using Go's built-in functions such at make
, append
, len
and with slice notation like [s:e]
. For example:
ls := make(orb.LineString, 0, 100)
ls = append(ls, orb.Point{1, 1})
point := ls[0]
Shared Geometry
All of the base types implement the orb.Geometry
interface defined as:
type Geometry interface {
GeoJSONType() string
Dimensions() int // e.g. 0d, 1d, 2d
Bound() Bound
This interface is accepted by functions in the sub-packages which then act on the base types correctly. For example:
l := clip.Geometry(bound, geom)
will use the appropriate clipping algorithm depending on if the input is 1d or 2d,
e.g. a orb.LineString
or a orb.Polygon
Only a few methods are defined directly on these type, for example Clone
, Equal
, GeoJSONType
Other operation that depend on geo vs. planar contexts are defined in the respective sub-package.
For example:
Computing the geo distance between two point:
p1 := orb.Point{-72.796408, -45.407131} p2 := orb.Point{-72.688541, -45.384987} geo.Distance(p1, p2)
Compute the planar area and centroid of a polygon:
poly := orb.Polygon{...} centroid, area := planar.CentroidArea(poly)
The [geojson](geojson) sub-package implements Marshalling and Unmarshalling of GeoJSON data. Features are defined as:
type Feature struct {
ID interface{} `json:"id,omitempty"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Geometry orb.Geometry `json:"geometry"`
Properties Properties `json:"properties"`
Defining the geometry as an orb.Geometry
interface along with sub-package functions
accepting geometries allows them to work together to create easy to follow code.
For example, clipping all the geometries in a collection:
fc, err := geojson.UnmarshalFeatureCollection(data)
for _, f := range fc {
f.Geometry = clip.Geometry(bound, f.Geometry)
The library supports third party "encoding/json" replacements such See the [geojson](geojson) readme for more details.
Mapbox Vector Tiles
The [encoding/mvt](encoding/mvt) sub-package implements Marshalling and
Unmarshalling MVT data.
This package uses sets of geojson.FeatureCollection
to define the layers,
keyed by the layer name. For example:
collections := map[string]*geojson.FeatureCollection{}
// Convert to a layers object and project to tile coordinates.
layers := mvt.NewLayers(collections)
layers.ProjectToTile(maptile.New(x, y, z))
// In order to be used as source for MapboxGL geometries need to be clipped
// to max allowed extent. (uncomment next line)
// layers.Clip(mvt.MapboxGLDefaultExtentBound)
// Simplify the geometry now that it's in tile coordinate space.
// Depending on use-case remove empty geometry, those too small to be
// represented in this tile space.
// In this case lines shorter than 1, and areas smaller than 2.
layers.RemoveEmpty(1.0, 2.0)
// encoding using the Mapbox Vector Tile protobuf encoding.
data, err := layers.Marshal() // this data is NOT gzipped.
// Sometimes MVT data is stored and transfered gzip compressed. In that case:
data, err := layers.MarshalGzipped()
Decoding WKB from a database query
Geometries are usually returned from databases in WKB format. The [encoding/wkb](encoding/wkb) sub-package offers helpers to "scan" the data into the base types directly. For example:
row := db.QueryRow("SELECT ST_AsBinary(point_column) FROM postgis_table")
var p orb.Point
err := row.Scan(wkb.Scanner(&p))
db.Exec("INSERT INTO table (point_column) VALUES (ST_GeomFromWKB(?))", wkb.Value(p))
Scanning directly from MySQL columns is supported. By default MySQL returns geometry data as WKB but prefixed with a 4 byte SRID. To support this, if the data is not valid WKB, the code will strip the first 4 bytes, the SRID, and try again. This works for most use cases.
List of sub-package utilities
- [
](clip) - clipping geometry to a bounding box - [
](encoding/mvt) - encoded and decoding from Mapbox Vector Tiles - [
](encoding/wkb) - well-known binary as well as helpers to decode from the database queries - [
](encoding/wkt) - well-known text encoding - [
](geojson) - working with geojson and the types in this package - [
](maptile) - working with mercator map tiles and quadkeys - [
](project) - project geometries between geo and planar contexts - [
](quadtree) - quadtree implementation using the types in this package - [
](resample) - resample points in a line string geometry - [
](simplify) - linear geometry simplifications like Douglas-Peucker