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Golang packages

Showing projects tagged as Database and Golang

  • ObjectBox Go Database

    7.3 6.0 Go
    Embedded Go Database, the fast alternative to SQLite, gorm, etc.
  • Basic Query Builder

    4.4 6.0 Go
    BQB is a lightweight and easy to use query builder that works with sqlite, mysql, mariadb, postgres, and others.
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro DBF for Go

    2.8 8.1 Go
    Golang package for reading and writing FoxPro dBase tables (DBF), databases (DBC) and related memo (FPT) files.
  • goerd

    2.2 3.1 Go
    Golang PostgreSQL schema migration tool
  • sqle

    1.2 8.4 Go
    A SQL-first/ORM-like Golang SQL package.
  • Raw SQL builder

    0.3 0.0 Go
    Create raw sql from structs without ORM
  • Golang fixture data loader

    0.2 8.3 Go
    This package will load yaml file, verify if each entity match with local structs of your project and insert rows in your database.