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Configuration packages

Showing projects tagged as Go, Golang, and Configuration

  • go-toml

    8.0 6.5 Go
    Go library for the TOML file format
  • fig

    5.9 4.9 Go
    A minimalist Go configuration library
  • num30/config

    2.7 4.7 Go
    Declarative configuration for Go
  • Go Simple API Project

    1.1 3.2 Go
    simple api project written in go
  • mollyDB

    0.9 0.0 Go
    A GraphQL configuration file database
  • go-env

    0.8 3.8 Go
    Golang handling of environment values
  • YACL

    0.8 5.4 Go
    Universal configuration parser

    0.7 4.7 Go
    JSONC (json with comments) to JSON translator for Golang.
  • awwan

    0.6 8.6 Go
    [mirror] Configuration management software, infrastructure as file and directory layout
  • txgruppi-config

    0.3 0.0 Go
    DISCONTINUED. Quick and easy way to load config files based on a simple set of rules.