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Json packages

Showing projects tagged as Go, Golang, and Json

  • frontmatter

    4.2 4.9 Go
    Go library for detecting and decoding various content front matter formats
  • epoch

    1.2 4.2 Go
    Contains primitives for marshaling/unmarshaling Unix timestamp/epoch to/from built-in time.Time type in JSON
  • Better Parsing of Unstructured JSON in Go

    1.2 10.0 Go
    An error propagating JSON parsing library for Go
  • go-parameters

    0.9 8.1 Go
    :blue_book: Easily parse incoming parameters and values from an HTTP request

    0.7 4.7 Go
    JSONC (json with comments) to JSON translator for Golang.
  • ijson

    0.7 0.0 Go
    Go package to quickly query and manipulate interface data.
  • Jogson

    0.5 9.4 Go
    Go library for working with JSON