Text Processing packages

Showing projects tagged as Text Processing

  • micro-editor

    9.9 8.9 Go
    A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor
  • colly

    9.8 6.0 Go
    Elegant Scraper and Crawler Framework for Golang
  • GoQuery

    9.7 6.6 Go
    A little like that j-thing, only in Go.
  • sh

    9.2 7.8 Go
    A shell parser, formatter, and interpreter with bash support; includes shfmt
  • jsonparser

    9.1 0.0 Go
    One of the fastest alternative JSON parser for Go that does not require schema
  • blackfriday

    9.1 0.0 Go
    Blackfriday: a markdown processor for Go
  • toml

    9.0 7.6 Go
    TOML parser for Golang with reflection.
  • go-humanize

    8.8 3.2 Go
    Go Humans! (formatters for units to human friendly sizes)
  • goldmark

    8.6 6.9 Go
    :trophy: A markdown parser written in Go. Easy to extend, standard(CommonMark) compliant, well structured.
  • bluemonday

    8.5 5.6 Go
    bluemonday: a fast golang HTML sanitizer (inspired by the OWASP Java HTML Sanitizer) to scrub user generated content of XSS
  • gofeed

    8.3 6.1 Go
    Parse RSS, Atom and JSON feeds in Go
  • xurls

    7.5 6.4 Go
    Extract urls from text
  • slug

    7.4 5.5 Go
    URL-friendly slugify with multiple languages support.
  • commonregex

    7.2 0.0 Go
    🍫 A collection of common regular expressions for Go
  • html-to-markdown

    6.9 5.3 Go
    ⚙️ Convert HTML to Markdown. Even works with entire websites and can be extended through rules.
  • Dataflow kit

    6.9 0.0 Go
    Extract structured data from web sites. Web sites scraping.
  • htmlquery

    6.9 5.2 Go
    htmlquery is golang XPath package for HTML query.
  • mxj

    6.9 4.5 Go
    Decode / encode XML to/from map[string]interface{} (or JSON); extract values with dot-notation paths and wildcards. Replaces x2j and j2x packages.
  • xpath

    6.8 6.8 Go
    XPath package for Golang, supports HTML, XML, JSON document query.
  • go-runewidth

    6.8 2.6 Go
    wcwidth for golang
  • omniparser

    6.7 4.6 Go
    omniparser: a native Golang ETL streaming parser and transform library for CSV, JSON, XML, EDI, text, etc.
  • gographviz

    6.6 1.4 Go
    Parses the Graphviz DOT language in golang
  • Koazee

    6.5 0.0 Go
    A StreamLike, Immutable, Lazy Loading and smart Golang Library to deal with slices.
  • go-pkg-rss

    6.4 0.0 Go
    DISCONTINUED. This package reads RSS and Atom feeds and provides a caching mechanism that adheres to the feed specs.
  • gotext

    6.3 5.1 Go
    Go (Golang) GNU gettext utilities package
  • go-edlib

    6.2 1.8 Go
    📚 String comparison and edit distance algorithms library, featuring : Levenshtein, LCS, Hamming, Damerau levenshtein (OSA and Adjacent transpositions algorithms), Jaro-Winkler, Cosine, etc...
  • gotabulate

    5.8 0.0 Go
    Gotabulate - Easily pretty-print your tabular data with Go
  • go-nmea

    5.7 3.0 Go
    A NMEA parser library in pure Go
  • strutil-go

    5.5 5.7 Go
    Golang metrics for calculating string similarity and other string utility functions
  • goribot

    5.5 6.1 Go
    DISCONTINUED. A simple golang spider/scraping framework,build a spider in 3 lines.