
Programming language: Go
License: Apache License 2.0
Tags: Go Tools     Go     Golang     Sanitizer     Regex    
Latest version: v1.1.3

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Simple library of sanitation methods for data sanitation and reduction

Release Build Status Report codecov Go Sponsor Donate

Table of Contents


go-sanitize requires a supported release of Go. ```shell script go get -u github.com/mrz1836/go-sanitize


## Documentation
View the generated [documentation](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/mrz1836/go-sanitize?tab=doc)


<summary><strong><code>Library Deployment</code></strong></summary>

[goreleaser](https://github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser) for easy binary or library deployment to Github and can be installed via: `brew install goreleaser`.

The [.goreleaser.yml](.goreleaser.yml) file is used to configure [goreleaser](https://github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser).

Use `make release-snap` to create a snapshot version of the release, and finally `make release` to ship to production.

<summary><strong><code>Makefile Commands</code></strong></summary>

View all `makefile` commands
```shell script
make help

List of all current commands:

all                    Runs multiple commands
clean                  Remove previous builds and any test cache data
clean-mods             Remove all the Go mod cache
coverage               Shows the test coverage
godocs                 Sync the latest tag with GoDocs
help                   Show this help message
install                Install the application
install-go             Install the application (Using Native Go)
lint                   Run the golangci-lint application (install if not found)
release                Full production release (creates release in Github)
release                Runs common.release then runs godocs
release-snap           Test the full release (build binaries)
release-test           Full production test release (everything except deploy)
replace-version        Replaces the version in HTML/JS (pre-deploy)
tag                    Generate a new tag and push (tag version=0.0.0)
tag-remove             Remove a tag if found (tag-remove version=0.0.0)
tag-update             Update an existing tag to current commit (tag-update version=0.0.0)
test                   Runs vet, lint and ALL tests
test-short             Runs vet, lint and tests (excludes integration tests)
test-travis            Runs all tests via Travis (also exports coverage)
test-travis-short      Runs unit tests via Travis (also exports coverage)
uninstall              Uninstall the application (and remove files)
update-linter          Update the golangci-lint package (macOS only)
vet                    Run the Go vet application

Examples & Tests

All unit tests and [examples](sanitize_test.go) run via Travis CI and uses Go version 1.15.x. View the [deployment configuration file](.travis.yml).

Run all tests (including any integration tests) ```shell script make test


## Benchmarks
Run the Go [benchmarks](sanitize_test.go):
```shell script
make bench

Code Standards

Read more about this Go project's [code standards](CODE_STANDARDS.md).


  • View the [examples](sanitize_test.go)
  • View the [benchmarks](sanitize_test.go)
  • View the [tests](sanitize_test.go)

Basic implementation:

package main

import (


func main() {

    // Execute and print
    fmt.Println(sanitize.IPAddress("  ##!!##  "))

    // Output:




View the [contributing guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) and please follow the [code of conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).

How can I help?

All kinds of contributions are welcome :raised_hands:! The most basic way to show your support is to star :star2: the project, or to raise issues :speech_balloon:. You can also support this project by becoming a sponsor on GitHub :clap: or by making a bitcoin donation to ensure this journey continues indefinitely! :rocket:



*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the go-sanitize README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.