
Programming language: Go
License: MIT License
Tags: Forms    
Latest version: v0.6.0

qs alternatives and similar packages

Based on the "Forms" category.
Alternatively, view qs alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.

  • nosurf

    CSRF protection middleware for Go.
  • gorilla/csrf

    DISCONTINUED. gorilla/csrf provides Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) prevention middleware for Go web applications & services 🔒
  • The APIs are flexible and easy-to-use, supporting authentication, user identity, and complex enterprise features like SSO and SCIM provisioning.
    Promo workos.com
    WorkOS Logo
  • binding

    DISCONTINUED. Reflectionless data binding for Go's net/http (not actively maintained)
  • form

    6.8 2.8 qs VS form
    :steam_locomotive: Decodes url.Values into Go value(s) and Encodes Go value(s) into url.Values. Dual Array and Full map support.
  • conform

    Trims, sanitizes & scrubs data based on struct tags (go, golang)
  • httpin

    🍡 HTTP Input for Go - HTTP Request from/to Go Struct
  • formam

    a package for decode form's values into struct in Go
  • forms

    A lightweight go library for parsing form data or json from an http.Request.
  • bind

    2.5 0.0 qs VS bind
    Bind form data to any Go values
  • queryparam

    Go package to easily convert a URL's query parameters/values into usable struct values of the correct types.
  • gbind

    Bind data to any Go value. Can use built-in and custom expression binding capabilities; supports data validation logic for Go values. // 将数据绑定到任何 Go 值。可使用内置和自定义表达式绑定能力;支持对Go值的数据校验逻辑.
  • checker

    Checker is a Go library for validating user input through checker rules provided in struct tags.

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Package sonh/qs encodes structs into url.Values.


go get github.com/sonh/qs


import (

Package qs exports NewEncoder() function to create an encoder.

Encoder caches struct info to speed up encoding process, use a single instance is highly recommended.

Use WithTagAlias() func to register custom tag alias (default is qs)

encoder = qs.NewEncoder(

Encoder has Values() and Encode() functions to encode structs into url.Values.

Supported data types:

  • all basic types (bool, uint, string, float64,...)
  • struct
  • slice, array
  • pointer
  • time.Time
  • custom type


type Query struct {
    Tags   []string  `qs:"tags"`
    Limit  int       `qs:"limit"`
    From   time.Time `qs:"from"`
    Active bool      `qs:"active,omitempty"`  //omit empty value
    Ignore float64   `qs:"-"`                 //ignore

query := &Query{
    Tags:   []string{"docker", "golang", "reactjs"},
    Limit:  24,
    From:   time.Unix(1580601600, 0).UTC(),
    Ignore: 0,

encoder := qs.NewEncoder()
values, err := encoder.Values(query)
if err != nil {
    // Handle error
fmt.Println(values.Encode()) //(unescaped) output: "from=2020-02-02T00:00:00Z&limit=24&tags=docker&tags=golang&tags=reactjs"

Bool format

Use int option to encode bool to integer

type Query struct {
    DefaultFmt bool `qs:"default_fmt"`
    IntFmt     bool `qs:"int_fmt,int"`

query := &Query{
    DefaultFmt: true, 
    IntFmt:     true,
values, _ := encoder.Values(query)
fmt.Println(values.Encode()) // (unescaped) output: "default_fmt=true&int_fmt=1"

Time format

By default, package encodes time.Time values as RFC3339 format.

Including the "second" or "millis" option to signal that the field should be encoded as second or millisecond.

type Query struct {
    Default time.Time   `qs:"default_fmt"`
    Second  time.Time   `qs:"second_fmt,second"` //use `second` option
    Millis  time.Time   `qs:"millis_fmt,millis"` //use `millis` option

t := time.Unix(1580601600, 0).UTC()
query := &Query{
    Default: t,
    Second:  t,
    Millis:  t,

encoder := qs.NewEncoder()
values, _ := encoder.Values(query)
fmt.Println(values.Encode()) // (unescaped) output: "default_fmt=2020-02-02T00:00:00Z&millis_fmt=1580601600000&second_fmt=1580601600"

Slice/Array Format

Slice and Array default to encoding into multiple URL values of the same value name.

type Query struct {
    Tags []string `qs:"tags"`

values, _ := encoder.Values(&Query{Tags: []string{"foo","bar"}})
fmt.Println(values.Encode()) //(unescaped) output: "tags=foo&tags=bar"

Including the comma option to signal that the field should be encoded as a single comma-delimited value.

type Query struct {
    Tags []string `qs:"tags,comma"`

values, _ := encoder.Values(&Query{Tags: []string{"foo","bar"}})
fmt.Println(values.Encode()) //(unescaped) output: "tags=foo,bar"

Including the bracket option to signal that the multiple URL values should have "[]" appended to the value name.

type Query struct {
    Tags []string `qs:"tags,bracket"`

values, _ := encoder.Values(&Query{Tags: []string{"foo","bar"}})
fmt.Println(values.Encode()) //(unescaped) output: "tags[]=foo&tags[]=bar"

The index option will append an index number with brackets to value name.

type Query struct {
    Tags []string `qs:"tags,index"`

values, _ := encoder.Values(&Query{Tags: []string{"foo","bar"}})
fmt.Println(values.Encode()) //(unescaped) output: "tags[0]=foo&tags[1]=bar"

Nested structs

All nested structs are encoded including the parent value name with brackets for scoping.

type User struct {
    Verified bool      `qs:"verified"`
    From     time.Time `qs:"from,millis"`

type Query struct {
    User User `qs:"user"`

query := Query{
    User: User{
        Verified: true,
        From: time.Now(),
values, _ := encoder.Values(query)
fmt.Println(values.Encode()) //(unescaped) output: "user[from]=1601623397728&user[verified]=true"

Custom Type

Implement funcs:

  • EncodeParam to encode itself into query param.
  • IsZero to check whether an object is zero to determine whether it should be omitted when encoding. ```go type NullableName struct { First string Last string }

func (n NullableName) EncodeParam() (string, error) { return n.First + n.Last, nil }

func (n NullableName) IsZero() bool { return n.First == "" && n.Last == "" }

type Struct struct { User NullableName qs:"user" Admin NullableName qs:"admin,omitempty" }

s := Struct{ User: NullableName{ First: "son", Last: "huynh", }, } encoder := qs.NewEncoder()

values, err := encoder.Values(&s) if err != nil { // Handle error fmt.Println("failed") return } fmt.Println(values.Encode()) //(unescaped) output: "user=sonhuynh"

### Limitation
- if elements in `slice/array` are `struct` data type, multi-level nesting are limited
- no decoder yet

_Will improve in future versions_ 

## License
Distributed under MIT License, please see license file in code for more details.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the qs README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.