

Attach hooks to any database/sql driver.

The purpose of sqlhooks is to provide a way to instrument your sql statements, making really easy to log queries or measure execution time without modifying your actual code.

Programming language: Go
License: MIT License
Tags: SQL     Database     Driver     Hooks    
Latest version: v1.3.0

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Attach hooks to any database/sql driver.

The purpose of sqlhooks is to provide a way to instrument your sql statements, making really easy to log queries or measure execution time without modifying your actual code.


go get github.com/qustavo/sqlhooks/v2

Requires Go >= 1.14.x

Breaking changes

V2 isn't backward compatible with previous versions, if you want to fetch old versions, you can use go modules or get them from gopkg.in

go get github.com/qustavo/sqlhooks
go get gopkg.in/qustavo/sqlhooks.v1

Usage GoDoc

// This example shows how to instrument sql queries in order to display the time that they consume
package main

import (


// Hooks satisfies the sqlhook.Hooks interface
type Hooks struct {}

// Before hook will print the query with it's args and return the context with the timestamp
func (h *Hooks) Before(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (context.Context, error) {
    fmt.Printf("> %s %q", query, args)
    return context.WithValue(ctx, "begin", time.Now()), nil

// After hook will get the timestamp registered on the Before hook and print the elapsed time
func (h *Hooks) After(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (context.Context, error) {
    begin := ctx.Value("begin").(time.Time)
    fmt.Printf(". took: %s\n", time.Since(begin))
    return ctx, nil

func main() {
    // First, register the wrapper
    sql.Register("sqlite3WithHooks", sqlhooks.Wrap(&sqlite3.SQLiteDriver{}, &Hooks{}))

    // Connect to the registered wrapped driver
    db, _ := sql.Open("sqlite3WithHooks", ":memory:")

    // Do you're stuff
    db.Exec("CREATE TABLE t (id INTEGER, text VARCHAR(16))")
    db.Exec("INSERT into t (text) VALUES(?), (?)", "foo", "bar")
    db.Query("SELECT id, text FROM t")

Output should look like:
> CREATE TABLE t (id INTEGER, text VARCHAR(16)) []. took: 121.238µs
> INSERT into t (text) VALUES(?), (?) ["foo" "bar"]. took: 36.364µs
> SELECT id, text FROM t []. took: 4.653µs


 go test -bench=. -benchmem
 BenchmarkSQLite3/Without_Hooks-4                  200000              8572 ns/op             627 B/op         16 allocs/op
 BenchmarkSQLite3/With_Hooks-4                     200000             10231 ns/op             738 B/op         18 allocs/op
 BenchmarkMySQL/Without_Hooks-4                     10000            108421 ns/op             437 B/op         10 allocs/op
 BenchmarkMySQL/With_Hooks-4                        10000            226085 ns/op             597 B/op         13 allocs/op
 BenchmarkPostgres/Without_Hooks-4                  10000            125718 ns/op             649 B/op         17 allocs/op
 BenchmarkPostgres/With_Hooks-4                      5000            354831 ns/op            1122 B/op         27 allocs/op
 ok      github.com/qustavo/sqlhooks    11.713s