
Programming language: Go
License: MIT License
Tags: Performance    
Latest version: v0.5.1

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Visualise Go program runtime metrics data in real time: heap, objects, goroutines, GC pauses, scheduler, etc. in your browser.

Special thanks to my sponsors:

Foresight: Increase CI/CD Health & Test Performance

Foresight provides full visibility and deep insights into the health and performance of your tests and CI pipelines. Assess the risk of code changes, deal with flaky tests, see workflow and test trends over time, and improve the contributing experience with Foresight.


Download the latest version:

go get github.com/arl/statsviz@latest

Register statsviz endpoint on your server http.ServeMux (preferred method):

mux := http.NewServeMux()

Or register on http.DefaultServeMux:


By default statsviz is served at /debug/statsviz/.

If your application is not already running an HTTP server, you need to start one. Add "net/http" and "log" to your imports and the following code to your main function:

go func() {
    log.Println(http.ListenAndServe("localhost:6060", nil))

Then open your browser at http://localhost:6060/debug/statsviz/.

How does that work?

Statsviz serves 2 HTTP endpoints:

  • The first one (/debug/statsviz) serves a web page with statsviz user interface, showing initially empty plots.

  • The second HTTP handler (/debug/statsviz/ws) listens for a WebSocket connection that will be initiated by statsviz web page as soon as it's loaded in your browser.

That's it, now your application sends all runtime/metrics data points to the web page, once per second.

Data points are stored in-browser in a circular buffer which keep tracks of a predefined number of datapoints.



Check out the API reference on pkg.go.dev.

User interface

The controls at the top of the page act on all plots:

  • the groom icon shows/hides the vertical lines representing garbage collections.
  • the time range selector defines the visualized time span.
  • the play/pause icon allows to stop plots from being refreshed.

On top of each plot you'll find 2 icons:

  • the camera icon downloads the plot as a PNG image.
  • the info icon shows information about the current plot.


Heap (global)
Heap (details)
Live Objects in Heap
Live Bytes in Heap
Size Classes
Stop-the-world Pause Latencies
Time Goroutines Spend in 'Runnable'
Starting Size of Goroutines Stacks
Goroutine Scheduling Events
CGO Calls


Check out the [_example](./_example/README.md) directory to see various ways to use Statsviz, such as:

  • use of http.DefaultServeMux or your own http.ServeMux
  • wrap HTTP handler behind a middleware
  • register the web page at /foo/bar instead of /debug/statviz
  • use https:// rather than http://
  • register statsviz handlers with various Go HTTP libraries/frameworks:
    • fasthttp
    • gin
    • and many others thanks to many awesome contributors!

Questions / Troubleshooting

Use the discussions sections for questions.
Please use issues for bugs and feature requests.


Pull-requests are welcome! More details in [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md).




See [MIT License](LICENSE)

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the statsviz README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.