tendermint v0.11.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2017-09-22 // over 6 years ago
  • ๐Ÿ’ฅ BREAKING:

    • genesis file: validator amount is now power
    • abci: Info, BeginBlock, InitChain all take structs
    • rpc: various changes to match JSONRPC spec (http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification), including breaking ones:

      • requests that previously returned HTTP code 4XX now return 200 with an error code in the JSONRPC.
      • rpctypes.RPCResponse uses new RPCError type instead of string.
    • cmd: if there is no genesis, exit immediately instead of waiting around for one to show.

    • types: Signer.Sign returns an error.

    • state: every validator set change is persisted to disk, which required some changes to the State structure.

    • p2p: new p2p.Peer interface used for all reactor methods (instead of *p2p.Peer struct).

    ๐Ÿ”‹ FEATURES:

    • rpc: /validators?height=X allows querying of validators at previous heights.
    • rpc: Leaving the height param empty for /block, /validators, and /commit will return the value for the latest height.


    • docs: Moved all docs from the website and tools repo in, converted to .rst, and cleaned up for presentation on tendermint.readthedocs.io

    ๐Ÿ› BUG FIXES:

    • fix WAL openning issue on Windows