VictoriaMetrics v1.30.5 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-12-05 // over 4 years ago
  • ๐Ÿ”„ Changes since v1.30.4

    • โž• Add /ping handler for compatibility with Influx agents, which could check for /ping before sending data to VictoriaMetrics
    • โž• Add {topk|bottomk}_{min|max|avg|median} aggregate functions for returning up to k time series on the given time range.
      The full list of functions added:
    • topk_min(k, q) - returns top K time series with the max minimums on the given time range
    • topk_max(k, q) - returns top K time series with the max maximums on the given time range
    • topk_avg(k, q) - returns top K time series with the max averages on the given time range
    • topk_median(k, q) - returns top K time series with the max medians on the given time range
    • bottomk_min(k, q) - returns bottom K time series with the min minimums on the given time range
    • bottomk_max(k, q) - returns bottom K time series with the min maximums on the given time range
    • bottomk_avg(k, q) - returns bottom K time series with the min averages on the given time range
    • bottomk_median(k, q) - returns bottom K time series with the min medians on the given time range

    How to run VictoriaMetrics

    ๐Ÿ“„ Unpack the victoria-metrics-*.tar.gz archive and read these docs.

    โช vmutils-*.tag.gz archive contains vmbackup and vmrestore tools for backups on S3 or GCS.

    ๐Ÿณ The corresponding docker image is available here.
    Cluster version is available here.