vim-go v1.17 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-03-27 // about 6 years ago
  • ๐Ÿ”‹ FEATURES:

    • ๐Ÿ‘ Debugger support! Add integrated support for the delve debugger. Use :GoInstallBinaries to install dlv, and see :help go-debug to get started. [GH-1390]


    • โž• Add descriptions to neosnippet abbrevations. [GH-1639]
    • ๐Ÿ‘‰ Show messages in the location list instead of the quickfix list when gometalinter is run automatically when saving a buffer. Whether the location list or quickfix list is used can be customized in the usual ways. [GH-1652]
    • Redraw the screen before executing blocking calls to gocode. [GH-1671]
    • โž• Add fe -> fmt.Errorf() snippet for NeoSnippet and UltiSnippets. [GH-1677]
    • ๐Ÿ‘‰ Use the async api when calling guru from neovim. [GH-1678]
    • ๐Ÿ‘‰ Use the async api when calling gocode to get type info. [GH-1697]
    • ๐Ÿ“ฑ Cache import path lookups to improve responsiveness. [GH-1713]

    ๐Ÿ› BUG FIXES:

    • โœ… Create quickfix list correctly when tests timeout. [GH-1633]
    • โœ… Apply g:go_test_timeout when running :GoTestFunc. [GH-1631]
    • The user's configured g:go_doc_url variable wasn't working correctly in the case when the "gogetdoc" command isn't installed. [GH-1629]
    • Highlight format specifiers with an index (e.g. %[2]d). [GH-1634]
    • โœ… Respect g:go_test_show_name change for :GoTest when it changes during a Vim session. [GH-1641]
    • โœ… Show g:go_test_show_name value for :GoTest failures if it's available. [GH-1641]
    • ๐Ÿ‘• Make sure linter errors for the file being saved are shown in vim74 and nvim. [GH-1640]
    • ๐Ÿ‘• Make sure only linter errors for the file being saved are shown in vim8. Previously, all linter errors for all files in the current file's directory were being shown. [GH-1640]
    • ๐Ÿ‘• Make sure gometalinter is run on the given directories when arguments are given to :GoMetaLinter. [GH-1640]
    • ๐Ÿ‘• Do not run disabled linters with gometalinter. [GH-1648]
    • ๐Ÿ‘• Do not prompt user to press enter after when gometalinter is called in autosave mode. [GH-1654]
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fix potential race conditions when using vim8 jobs. [GH-1656]
    • Treat 'autowriteall' the same as 'autowrite' when determining whether to write a buffer before calling some commands. [GH-1653]
    • โœ… Show the file location of test errors when the message is empty or begins with a newline. [GH-1664]
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fix minisnip on Windows. [GH-1698]
    • Keep alternate filename when loading an autocreate template. [GH-1675]
    • ๐Ÿ“œ Parse the column number in errors correctly in vim8 and neovim. [GH-1716]
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fix race conditions in the terminal handling for neovim. [GH-1721]
    • Put the user back in the original window regardless of the value of splitright after starting a neovim terminal window. [GH-1725]


    • ๐Ÿ›  Highlighting function and method declarations/calls is fixed. To fix it we had to remove the meaning of the previous settings. The following setting is removed:

      • go_highlight_methods

    in favor of the following settings and changes:

    • go_highlight_functions: This highlights now all function and method declarations (whereas previously it would also highlight function and method calls, not anymore)
    • go_highlight_function_calls: This higlights now all all function and method calls. [GH-1557]
      • ๐Ÿ‘• Rename gg:go_metalinter_excludes to g:go_metalinter_disabled. [GH-1648]
      • :GoBuild doesn't append the -i flag anymore due the recent Go 1.10 changes that introduced a build cache. [GH-1701]