consul v1.2.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-06-26 // almost 6 years ago

    • Connect Feature Beta: This version includes a major new feature for Consul named Connect. Connect enables secure service-to-service communication with automatic TLS encryption and identity-based authorization. For more details and links to demos and getting started guides, see the announcement blog post.
      • Connect must be enabled explicitly in configuration so upgrading a cluster will not affect any existing functionality until it's enabled.
      • This is a Beta feature, we don't recommend enabling this in production yet. Please see the documentation for more information.
    • dns: Enable PTR record lookups for services with IPs that have no registered node [PR-4083]
    • 💻 ui: Default to serving the new UI. Setting the CONSUL_UI_LEGACY environment variable to 1 or true will revert to serving the old UI


    • agent: A Consul user-agent string is now sent to providers when making retry-join requests [GH-4013]
    • client: Add metrics for failed RPCs PR-4220
    • 🔧 agent: Add configuration entry to control including TXT records for node meta in DNS responses PR-4215
    • 🔧 client: Make RPC rate limit configuration reloadable [GH-4012]

    🐛 BUG FIXES:

    • 🛠 agent: Fixed an issue where watches were being duplicated on reload. [GH-4179]
    • 🛠 agent: Fixed an issue with Agent watches on a HTTPS only agent would fail to use TLS. [GH-4076]
    • 🛠 agent: Fixed bug that would cause unnecessary and frequent logging yamux keepalives [GH-3040]
    • dns: Re-enable full DNS compression [GH-4071]