gosnmp v1.34.0 Release Notes

  • 👕 NOTE: marshalInt32 now always encodes an integer value in the smallest possible number of octets as per ITU-T Rec. X.690 (07/2002).

    • 👕 [ENHANCEMENT] gosnmp/marshalInt32: adhere to ITU-T Rec. X.690 integer encoding #372
    • 📜 [ENHANCEMENT] parseInt64: throw error on zero length as per X690 #373
    • [ENHANCEMENT] helper.go: Interpreting the value of an Opaque type as binary data if the Opaque sub-type cannot be recognized #374
    • [ENHANCEMENT] helper.go: Implemented Opaque type marshaling #374
    • 🛠 [BUGFIX] marshal.go: Fixed invalid OpaqueFloat and OpaqueDouble marshaling in marshalVarbind() function #374
    • 🛠 [BUGFIX] marshal.go: stricter cursor bounds checking in unmarshalPayload #384