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Tools packages

Showing projects tagged as CLI, Standard CLI, and Tools

  • GCli

    6.0 5.4 Go
    🖥 Go CLI application, tool library, running CLI commands, support console color, user interaction, progress display, data formatting display, generate bash/zsh completion add more features. Go的命令行应用,工具库,运行CLI命令,支持命令行色彩,用户交互,进度显示,数据格式化显示,生成bash/zsh命令补全脚本
  • Wait4X

    5.4 8.5 Go
    Wait4X allows you to wait for a port or a service to enter the requested state.
  • markpdf

    5.2 0.0 Go
    Watermark PDF files using image or text
  • netscanner

    5.1 0.0 Go
    netscanner - TCP/UDP scanner to find open or closed ports