simplefeatures v0.31.0 Release Notes

  • 2021-08-09

    ๐Ÿš€ Special thanks to Albert Teoh for contributing to this release.

    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixes some minor linting (and other similar) issues identified by Go Report Card.

    • โž• Adds a new DumpCoordinates method to geometry types. This method returns a Sequence containing all of the control points that define the geometry.

    • โž• Adds a new Summary method to all geometry types. This method gives a short and human readable summary of geometry values. The summary includes the geometry type, coordinates type, and component cardinalities where appropriate (e.g. number of rings in a polygon).

    • โž• Adds a new String method to all geometry types, implementing the fmt.Stringer interface. The method returns the same string as that returned by the Summary method.

    • โž• Adds a new NumRings method to the Polygon type. This method gives the total number of rings that make the polygon.