Go for Visual Studio Code v0.6.53 Release Notes

Release Date: 2017-01-30 // about 7 years ago
  • Installation improvements

    • Sam Herrmann (@samherrmann), Ramya Rao (@ramya-rao-a)
      • A new setting go.toolsGopath for providing an alternate location to install all the Go tools that the extension depends on, if you don't want them cluttering your GOPATH. PR 351 and PR 737.
        • This is useful when you work on different GOPATHs.
        • Remember to run Go: Install Tools command to install the tools to the new location.
    • Ramya Rao (@ramya-rao-a)
      • All the "Install tool" options (the pop ups you see) and the Go: Install Tools command now support gometalinter if it is your chosen linting tool. PR 735.
        • Since gometalinter internally installs linters and expects them to be in the user's GOPATH, gometalinter will get installed to your GOPATH and not the alternate location specified in go.toolsGopath

    🏗 Build improvements

    • Matt Aimonetti (@mattetti)
      • While building, we now use the -i flag (for non main packages) which installs dependent packages, which in turn get used in subsequent builds resulting in faster builds in bigger workspaces. PR 718
    • Ramya Rao (@ramya-rao-a)
      • Build errors with no line numbers (for eg. Import cycle) are now displayed in the output window and will be mapped to the first line of the file. PR 740

    ✅ Test improvements

    • Ramya Rao (@ramya-rao-a)

      • A new setting go.testFlags that can be used to run tests. If null, go.buildFlags will be used. PR 482
      • Customize flags for each of the test command by using different keybindings. PR 482. In the below example, ctrl+shift+t is bound to run the tests in current file with -short flag. The commands here can be go.test.package, go.test.file or go.test.cursor.

            "key": "ctrl+shift+t",
            "command": "go.test.file",
            "args": {
                "flags": ["-short"]
            "when": "editorTextFocus"
      • New toggle command Go: Toggle Test File that lets you toggle between your Go file and the corresponding test file. Previous commands Go: Open Test File and Go: Open Implementation For Test File have been deprecated in favor of this new command. PR 739. You can add a keyboard binding to this as below:

            "key": "ctrl+shift+t",
            "command": "go.toggle.test.file",
            "when": "editorTextFocus && editorLangId == 'go'"
      • If current file is not a test file, show error message while running test commands, instead of displaying success message. Fixes #303

    • Marcel Voigt (@nochso)

      • Show error message in output window when running test coverage fails. PR 721

    Debugging improvements