cmdr v1.0.x Release Notes

    • Since v1.0.3, we added compatibilities for migrating from go flag:

    Migrate to cmdr from go flag

      // old code
      package main
      import "flag"
      var (
        serv           = flag.String("service", "hello_service", "service name")
        host           = flag.String("host", "localhost", "listening host")
        port           = flag.Int("port", 50001, "listening port")
        reg            = flag.String("reg", "localhost:32379", "register etcd address")
        count          = flag.Int("count", 3, "instance's count")
        connectTimeout = flag.Duration("connect-timeout", 5*time.Second, "connect timeout")
      func main(){
          // ...

    to migrate it to cmdr, just replace the import line with:

      import (
        // flag
      var (
        serv           = flag.String("service", "hello_service", "service name")
        host           = flag.String("host", "localhost", "listening host")
        port           = flag.Int("port", 50001, "listening port")
        reg            = flag.String("reg", "localhost:32379", "register etcd address")
        count          = flag.Int("count", 3, "instance's count")
        connectTimeout = flag.Duration("connect-timeout", 5*time.Second, "connect timeout")
      func main(){
          // ...

    if you wanna use the new features from cmdr, try Withxxx:

      import (
        // flag
      var (
          // uncomment this line if you like long opt (such as --service)
          //treatAsLongOpt = flag.TreatAsLongOpt(true)
          serv = flag.String("service", "hello_service", "service name",
            flag.WithAction(func(cmd *cmdr.Command, args []string) (err error) {
          // ...
          // WithTitles, WithShort, WithLong, WithAliases, 
          // WithDescription, WithExamples, WithHidden, 
          // WithGroup, WithDeprecated, WithToggleGroup,
          // WithAction, WithDefaultValue, 
          // WithValidArgs, WithHeadLike, WithExternalTool, 
          // ...