gobgp v2.0.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-12-30 // over 5 years ago
  • 🔄 Changelog

    4067827 v2.0.0
    4e862fa zebra: Introducing MIN_ZAPIVER and MAX_ZAPIVER. And avoiding double close channel when sequential retry to connect zebra.
    67947ee Fix incorrect values in BMP Statistics Report(type 7 and 8)
    bbc85d4 server: kill getNeighbor()
    d7e5bf2 fix bmp statistics
    🏗 c83d234 docs: add project layout description to BUILD
    📄 d2da513 docs: fix outdated comment of the gRPC API examples
    💎 48fa25d docs: delete outdated java/nodejs/ruby gRPC API examples
    ⚡️ bb1bbdd docs: update C++ gRPC API example
    ⚡️ 28d96f9 docs: update python gRPC API example
    8e7741a api: rename ValidationDetail to Validation
    8d0a8b0 make the usage of type name in protobuf consistent
    ababf30 make Add/Delete/ListPath APIs symmetric
    🏗 5d008d7 docs: add BUILD.md, development guide
    46e3754 server: replace tomb with context
    598bba9 server: use Dialer Control method instead of hack to modify connection before dialing
    831b33f fix typo in zapi.go: LABLE -> LABEL
    7ebcb44 server: fix nil pointer error when apply policy
    9d90614 README: use now.sh instead of bluemix.net for slackin
    👍 301b485 support received, accepted, and advertised counters per family
    🚚 a5763c2 api: remove AddPaths from Peer and PeerGroup
    🚚 7ec6a96 api: move RouterId to PeerState from PeerConf
    ae52d60 typo fix
    ⚡️ a6aaf55 minor cleanup: update Gopkg.lock and erase redundant nil set
    79a461c api: move remote_cap and local_cap to PeerState from PeerConf
    dbd0c21 server: fix handleRouteRefresh and softResetOut
    6b05d9d api: rename NlriAny in api.Path to Nlri
    8856dd5 server: fix handleRouteRefresh()
    c1bca25 use google/protobuf/timestamp.proto
    893dbd5 packet: fix ValidateAttribute() to handle ipv6 addresss
    62076da packet: fix NewPathAttributeNextHop() to handle ipv6 addresss
    2dddaef travis: fix go vet
    7923913 Add quotes to short option value
    fa387c9 Fix Statistics Report in BMP
    99b2724 server: change List API design
    91dd606 server: fix inconsistent receiver name warnings
    b3191fc server: unexport BgpServer's Listeners()
    528f751 add anyNlri toPathApi when path.IsWithdraw
    f0aaac4 server: Fix wrong value of RouteMonitoringPolicy from grpc
    9cad94f cmd/gobgp: don't use timeout context for requests
    0eb3dce Fix intervals for MRT
    👍 4cc7a81 Support AdminDown from config
    99556f9 server: change monitor API design
    289fc39 server: avoid deadlock
    eebc729 server: avoid deadlock
    360f728 server: avoid deadlock
    076d019 make gRPC server private
    061c946 server: fix deadlock regression
    6cc82ff added timestamp
    📄 809f941 docs/lib.md: add PeerMonitor API
    345b848 server: Fix some values are all off by one in MRT TABLEDUMP_V2
    52c6ef3 server: Fix timestamp when msg is nil
    b48c561 server: Add PeerTable API
    d4e0418 server: Add PeerMonitor API
    df8ad76 server: unexported Watcher stuff
    📦 96c129e gobgp: merge cmd package into main
    4c66cd4 gobgp: unexport cmd/
    🔧 4334400 server: fix isIBGPPeer() to handle local-as configuration
    0️⃣ 5ab4575 api: fix regression that match set option has no default value
    🚚 60202fc remove influxdb from dependency
    🗄 2ed0b96 gobgp: replace deprecated grpc WithTimeout
    e823271 gobgp: delete c-shared-lib
    a88d561 server: unexport const
    5a2985e server: unexport fsm stuff
    8bccb42 Use assertEqual in python tests
    c8694bc server: unexport Peer adn PeerGroup
    0b4d946 server: unexport TCPDialer/TCPListener/TCPSockopt stuff
    4cd45f4 server: unexport NewRoutingPolicyFromApiStruct()
    🚚 d91fb3d server: remove collector support
    f362cb2 server: unexport prki
    03cc4f4 server: make NewNeighborFromAPIStruct() and NewPeerGroupFromAPIStruct() unexported
    f8bea14 server: make NewGlobalFromAPIStruct() unexported
    18b87c3 server: make NewRoaListFromTableStructList() unexported
    f1c55ca server: make NewPolicyFromApiStruct() unexported
    🚚 3e95078 move NewAPIRoutingPolicyFromConfigStruct() from server/
    🚚 5d7ecf5 move NewAPIPolicyAssignmentFromTableStruct() from server/
    🚚 d032c31 move exported functions to generate api structs from config struct in server/
    23ae91c fix: nil pointer in PrefixSet Append
    8fc094c server: deal with mac mobility seqence number in path from api
    2bd4afc table: compare etag and peer ip in mac mobility
    👍 2bdb76f Supporting Zebra API version 6 which is used in FRRouting version 6
    329c2d3 api: add GwAddress to EVPNIPPrefixRoute
    94e70ba cli: fix nil pointer in showNeighbor
    🔒 98d4679 fsm: get rid of dead lock
    🔌 70d3ddf pyang_plugins: Fix an import path
    💅 c33f142 pyang_plugins: Improve pylint and pycodestyle results
    👍 9420a66 cli: Support Color Extended Community
    ⚡️ dec0c7d tools: update pyang_plugins/README.rst
    d50f1fe test: fix get_reachability()
    👍 4391b84 support go1.11
    9a03234 fix closing listening socket blocked
    🚚 475818d api: remove unused members
    97ad6b3 api: change Family
    23ac6eb test/lib: Enable static IP address
    e792901 test: Fix bridge methos and relative scenario test
    🚀 acfc9ad Release read lock before calling llgrFamilies
    008c961 policy cleanup
    7e07240 test/lib: Fix pkill command syntax for BusyBox
    b45e3fa test/lib: Change shell for init script
    0️⃣ d6a5e9f pkg/server: ListPolicyAssignment() returns all assignments by default
    cbfa5c5 Add CODEOWNERS file
    👍 edbedeb ZAPI5 (FRRouting version 5) support
    🚚 7525403 table: remove DIRECTION_IN completely
    f61858a pkg/packet/bgp: Fix NewEVPNMacIPAdvertisementRoute() to use correct MAC length
    08cd29e ignore duplicate RTC Membership announcements
    ⚡️ 540ee75 pkg/server: handleUpdate() should not inject echo route from RR
    👍 f0b7248 pkt/server: ListPolicy() and ListStatement() support filtering like ListDefinedSet() and ListPolicyAassignment()
    🖨 0b6486f gobgp: fix peer state print
    834fb80 fix library usage example
    840807a pkg/server: public APIs use structures in api/
    71e56c5 rpc cleanup
    📜 3dc23d3 pkg/packet/bgp: fix ParsePmsiTunnel() and NewPathAttributePmsiTunnel() crash
    1cf93d5 fix path to lib directory
    c3e41d8 pkg/server: send all families (including RTC) after deferral time expired
    775ed7a fix unittest warnings with go tip
    fb999f3 fix races and enable race detector in unittest
    🏗 695fb52 use function Equal() instead of build-in compare
    🚀 e64870d fix goreleaser to build static binaries
    dae80bd pkg/server: enable active connection with graceful restart
    bcf31a3 fsm: Connect to bgp peers regardless of whether the peers are restarting
    42cc25d cmd/gobgp: use different grpc port for rpki_test
    9c591a9 cmd: fix error when delete policy statement
    1798242 cmd: implement ebgp-multihop-ttl option when add neighbor
    dd73531 fix missing EbgpMultihop config
    📦 07f47b7 remove package dependency except for grpc in api/
    26aed14 delete tools/route-server
    c4775c4 follow Standard Go Project Layout
    b307975 delete gobmpd
    🚚 9cd6291 api: move api/policy.go to gobgp/cmd/
    e4031c1 api: decrease the dependency
    69f866a Fixing all megacheck errors.
    9ae3006 cmd: Implement PrettyString()
    🚚 2e01692 cmd: Remove table/ usage in policy.go
    📦 cd1e60d table: Sort in table package
    🚚 1dc0124 cmd: Remove table/ usage from neighbor.go
    cc92e7e gobgp: fix client.AddPath to use api.Path instead of table.Path
    00e9610 gobgp: replace table.TableInfo usage with api.TableInfo
    🚚 51dad96 api: remove table/ usage in util.go
    6192f90 config: Copy afi-safi objects from peer group to neighbor instead of share the same array