robotgo v0.90.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-05-26 // almost 4 years ago
  • MT. Rainier

    ➕ Add

    ➕ add gohook modern and concurrent API
    ➕ add new gohook examples, thks for cauefcr

    👌 Support for multiple screens
    ➕ add getMousePos() multiple screens support
    ➕ add move smooth multiple screens support

    ➕ add all platform system scale support
    ➕ add get screen size test code

    ➕ add screen and bitmap multiple screens support
    ➕ add int32_t types support

    ⚡️ update keycode type use uint16 with gohook, not type convert
    ➕ add ToBitmapBytes func (#204)

    🏁 gohook: sched_yield support for non-POSIX windows gcc

    ➕ add gops test code support
    ➕ add Process() function test code
    ➕ add more gops test code

    ➕ add more win32 function export

    ➕ add get mouse color function

    ➕ add uint32 to Chex function support

    ➕ add key_Toggles() c function
    ➕ add keyTap and keyToggle "...string" parameters support, Fixed #209

    ➕ add robotgo simple test code

    ➕ add Is64Bit() c and go function

    ➕ add process FindPath() function

    ➕ add keycode "delete" support and fixed "\" error
    ➕ add more keycode support, "up, down, left, right"...

    export hook keycode and add godoc

    ⚡️ use robotn fork xgb and update go mod

    ➕ add hook example to robotgo examples

    ⚡️ update gohook and tt mod file

    ➕ add more and update test code

    ➕ add drag smooth function support and examples

    ➕ add ShowAlert() test support

    💅 update keypress rand sleep [reduce] and update code style, update c delay default value to 0

    ➕ add mouse toggle return and add more test

    ➕ add SetDelay function code and update other code

    ➕ add scaled function code

    ➕ add go opencv file

    ➕ add file

    ➕ add move mouse and move smooth relative code

    ➕ add move mouse and move smooth relative examples

    ➕ add more test code and update go tt mod

    ➕ add more bitmap test code

    ➕ add SaveImg function code

    ➕ add drop function hint print support

    ➕ add more key test code
    ➕ add more test code
    ➕ add paste string test code
    ➕ add xvfb run codecov test

    ➕ add keycode test support

    ➕ add FindPath example code

    ➕ add KeyTap() args[2] delay support

    ➕ add find bitmap nil args support

    ➕ add find color nil args support

    ➕ add drag and move mouse multiple screens support

    ➕ add drag mouse test code

    ⚡️ Use CGDisplayBounds not CGDisplayPixelsWide, optimize get mac display size …

    ⚡️ Update TypeStr function, add type delay and speed support

    ⚡️ update PasteStr function code return error

    ⚡️ Update

    ⚡️ Update robot info test code and Add go.yml test support

    👉 use while not for match special key map
    ✂ remove unless x11 special key and sort

    ⚡️ update go mod pkg
    ⚡️ update mod vendor
    ✂ remove vendor and update .gitignore

    ⚡️ update and fmt config.yml, add Linux go test support
    ⚡️ update Linux CI support x11 test

    🚚 move hook to hook.go

    ⚡️ update appveyor and test code
    💅 update version and code style

    ⚡️ update move mouse smooth test code

    ⚡️ update clipboard code and add test code

    ⚡️ update test code and add codecov support

    ⚡️ update show alert test code

    ⚡️ update keycode.go

    ⚡️ update window examples code

    ⚡️ update test code remove windows alert test

    🚚 move gops code to ps.go

    ⚡️ update version

    ⚡️ update unix get title type

    💅 gofmt go code and update code style

    ➕ add ToBitmapBytes examples code

    ⚡️ update example code, fixed golint warning

    ⚡️ update bitmap example code

    ⚡️ Update

    💅 update code style

    ⚡️ update godoc

    💅 update keytap code and code style

    ⚡️ update Bitmap struct delete fuzzy api

    ⚡️ update key examples code

    ➕ add bitmap from string clear api

    ⚡️ update go mod vendor
    ⚡️ update go mod pkg not proxy

    ⚡️ update bitmap example code

    ⚡️ update test code fixed appveyor CI

    ⚡️ update test code fixed equal error

    ⚡️ update hook godoc

    ⚡️ update event example code

    💅 update godoc and code style

    ⚡️ update key example code

    ⚡️ Update example

    ⚡️ update and tidy go mod

    ⚡️ update code remove duplicate code and update godoc

    ⚡️ update xgb getXid log

    ⚡️ update GetBounds x11 error log

    ⚡️ update cgo code and version

    ⚡️ update TypeString function code [Drop]

    ⚡️ update key example code

    ⚡️ Update TypeStr function, optimize x11 type string

    ⚡️ Update TypeStrDelay function, remove unused code

    ⚡️ update code fixed x11 type sleep

    ⚡️ Update key example code

    👉 use gops to simplify code
    ⚡️ update key examples code

    ⚡️ update bitmap examples code

    ⚡️ update colorpicker and findcolor example code

    ⚡️ update bitmap example code

    ⚡️ update robotgo test code, add more test

    ⚡️ Update

    📇 rename type names make clearer

    ⚡️ update types.h code and fixed bug

    ✂ remove unused code fixed x11 build error

    ⚡️ update robot info test code and appveyor

    ⚡️ Update, Add more CI badge

    ⚡️ update gohook pkg and robot info test code

    ⚡️ Update linux upper code, add more special key support

    Create go.yml
    ⚡️ Update go.yml
    ➕ add more test and update go.yml
    ⚡️ Update dockerfile to go1.13.5

    ⚡️ update dockerfile and appveyor.yml
    ⚡️ Update dockerfile and appveyor.yml to go1.14.3

    ✂ remove Travis go1.11.x
    ⚡️ update appveyor and dockerfile to go1.13.1
    ⚡️ update dockerfile, go.yml and appveyor.yml to go1.14

    ⚡️ update travis.yml to go1.14.x and remove go1.13.x
    ⚡️ Update and fmt appveyor.ymlu
    ⚡️ update dockerfile and appveyor to go1.12.5

    ⚡️ update appveyor and dockerfile to go1.12.6

    ➕ add CI go1.13 support
    ⚡️ update config.yml
    ⚡️ update and fmt travis.yml
    ⚡️ Update Travis remove go1.12.x

    ⚡️ Update issue and pull request template

    🛠 Fix

    ⚡️ Update to utf-code function Fixed #189

    ⚡️ Update x11 keypress upper code Fixed #243

    type conversion needed in addMouse (#201)

    ⚡️ update hook, Fixed #202 fatal error: concurrent map writes

    ➕ add key Kind Fixed #203

    ⚡️ optimize get title code, Fixed #165 and typo

    🛠 Fixed gohook#3 mouse is_drag error on x11

    🛠 Fixed #213 AddEvents() can't listen correctly multiple times

    ⚡️ update clipboard error hand Fixed #212

    ⚡️ Update go.mod fixing issue "invalid pseudo-version: does not match version …

    ⚡️ update keyboard example code, #238

    ⚡️ update go mod file Fixed #239

    ⚡️ update gops and other mod files fixed bug