All Versions
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Avg Release Cycle
115 days
Latest Release
876 days ago

Changelog History
Page 1

  • v2.11.0 Changes

    December 01, 2021

    64: @DoubeDi added a method GetItems to retrieve all items in the cache. This method also triggers all callbacks associated with a normal Get

    API changes:

    // GetItems returns a copy of all items in the cache. Returns nil when the cache has been closed. func (cache *Cache) GetItems() map[string]interface{} {

  • v2.10.0 Changes

    December 01, 2021

    ๐Ÿšš #62 : @nikhilk1701 found a memory leak where removed items are not directly eligible for garbage collection. There are no API changes.

  • v2.9.0 Changes

    October 01, 2021

    55,#56,#57 : @chenyahui was on fire and greatly improved the peformance of the library. He also got rid of the blocking call to expirationNotification, making the code run twice as fast in the benchmarks!

  • v2.8.1 Changes

    September 01, 2021

    53 : Avoids recalculation of TTL value returned in API when TTL is extended. by @iczc

  • v2.8.0 Changes

    August 01, 2021

    51 : The call GetWithTTL(key string) (interface{}, time.Duration, error) is added so that you can retrieve an item, and also know the remaining TTL. Thanks to @asgarciap for contributing.

  • v2.7.0 Changes

    June 01, 2021

    46 : got panic

    A panic occured in a line that checks the maximum amount of items in the cache. While not definite root cause has been found, there is indeed the possibility of crashing an empty cache if the cache limit is set to 'zero' which codes for infinite. This would lead to removal of the first item in the cache which would panic on an empty cache.

    ๐Ÿ›  Fixed this by applying the global cache lock to all configuration options as well.

  • v2.6.0 Changes

    May 01, 2021

    ๐Ÿ”€ #44 : There are no API changes, but a contribution was made to use as a way to provide everybody waiting for a key with that key when it's fetched.

    ๐Ÿšš This removes some complexity from the code and will make sure that all callers will get a return value even if there's high concurrency and low TTL (as proven by the test that was added).

  • v2.5.0 Changes

    May 01, 2021

    API changes:

    • #39 : Allow custom loader function for each key via GetByLoader

    Introduce the SimpleCache interface for quick-start and basic usage.

  • v2.4.0 Changes

    April 01, 2021

    API changes:

    • #42 : Add option to get list of keys
    • #40: Allow 'Touch' on items without other operation

    // Touch resets the TTL of the key when it exists, returns ErrNotFound if the key is not present. func (cache *Cache) Touch(key string) error

    // GetKeys returns all keys of items in the cache. Returns nil when the cache has been closed. func (cache *Cache) GetKeys() []string

  • v2.3.0 Changes

    February 01, 2021

    API changes:

    • #38: Added func (cache *Cache) SetExpirationReasonCallback(callback ExpireReasonCallback) This wil function will replace SetExpirationCallback(..) in the next major version.