vim-go v1.6 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-04-25 // about 8 years ago
  • ๐Ÿ”‹ FEATURES:

    • ๐Ÿ†• New file (which you're reading now). This will make it easier for me to track changes and release versions
    • :GoCoverage is now highlighting the current source file for covered/uncovered lines. If called again it runs the tests and updates the annotation. Use :GoCoverageClear to clear the coverage annotation. This is a pretty good addition to vim-go and I suggest to check out the gif that shows it in action: [GH-786]
    • :GoCoverageToggle just like :GoCoverage but acts as a toggle. If run again it clears the annotation.
    • ๐Ÿ’ป :GoCoverageBrowser opens a new annotated HTML page. This is the old :GoCoverage behavior [GH-786]
    • :GoDoc uses now gogetdoc to lookup and display the comment documentation for the identifier under the cursor. This is more superior as it support looking up dot imports, named imports and imports where package name and file name are different [GH-782]
    • ๐Ÿ‘ guru support: oracle is replaced by the new tool guru. oracle.vim is therefore renamed to guru.vim. I've also refactored the code to make it much more easier to maintain and add additional features in future (such as upcoming JSON decoding). vim-go is now fully compatible with guru. Please be sure you have installed guru. You can easily do it with :GoInstallBinaries.
    • :GoDef uses now guru definition under the hood instead of godef. This fixes the following issues: 1. dot imports 2. vendor imports 3. folder != package name imports. The tool godef is also deprecated and not used anymore.
    • :GoDef does have now history of the call stack. This means you can easily jump back to your last entry. This can be done with the new command :GoDefPop or the mapping CTRL-t. To see the stack and jump between entries you can use the new command :GoDefStack, which shows the list of all stack entries. To reset the stack list anytime you can call :GoDefStackClear [GH-776]


    • :GoCoverage is executed asynchronously when used within Neovim [GH-686]
    • โœ… :GoTestFunc supports now testable examples [GH-794]
    • :GoDef can jump to existing buffers instead of opening a new window (split, vsplit or tab). By default it's disabled to not break the old behavior, can be enabled with let g:go_def_reuse_buffer = 1

    ๐Ÿ› BUG FIXES:

    • ๐Ÿ›  Fix not showing documentation for dot, named and package/file name being different imports [GH-332]
    • Term mode: fix closing location list if result is successful after a failed attempt [GH-768]
    • Syntax: fix gotexttmpl identifier highlighting [GH-778]
    • ๐Ÿ“ฆ Doc: fix wrong wording for go-run mapping. It's for the whole main package, not for the current file


    • :GoDef doesn't accept any identifier as an argument. This is not suported via guru definition and also was not widely used either. Also with this, we significantly simplified the existing def.vim code
    • ๐Ÿ—„ :GoOracleScope and :GoOracleTags are deprecated in favor of :GoGuruScope and :GoGuruTags. Also g:go_oracle_scope is renamed to g:go_guru_scope
    • g:go_guru_scope accepts a variable in type of list instead of string. i.g: let g:go_guru_scope = ["", ""]