
Programming language: Go
License: MIT License
Tags: Data Structures    
Latest version: v0.0.2

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Python dictionary data type (dict) in Go

Package dict is a Go implementation of Python dict, which are hashable object maps. Dictionaries complement Go map and slice types to provide a simple interface to store and access key-value data with relatively fast performance at the cost of extra memory. This is done by using the features of both maps and slices.

Quick Start

Install using "go get":

go get github.com/srfrog/dict

Then import from your source:

import "github.com/srfrog/dict"

View example_test.go for an extended example of basic usage and features.


  • [x] Initialize a new dict with scalars, slices, maps, channels and other dictionaries.
  • [x] Go types int, uint, float, string and fmt.Stringer are hashable for dict keys.
  • [x] Go map keys are used for dict keys if they are hashable.
  • [x] Dict items are sorted in their insertion order, unlike Go maps.
  • [ ] Go routine safe with minimal mutex locking (WIP)
  • [x] Builtin JSON support for marshalling and unmarshalling
  • [ ] sql.Scanner support via optional sub-package (WIP)
  • [ ] Plenty of tests and examples to get you started quickly (WIP)


The full code documentation is located at GoDoc:


The source code is thoroughly commented, have a look.


Minimal example showing basic usage:

package main

import (


type Car struct {
    Model, BrandID string
    Recalls        int

func main() {
    // Map of car models, indexed by VIN.
    // Data source: NHTSA.gov
    vins := map[string]*Car{
        "2C3KA43R08H129584": &Car{
            Model:   "2008 CHRYSLER 300",
            BrandID: "ACB9976A-DB5F-4D57-B9A8-9F5C53D87C7C",
            Recalls: 1,
        "1N6AD07U78C416152": &Car{
            Model:   "2008 NISSAN FRONTIER SE-V6 RWD",
            BrandID: "003096EE-C8FC-4C2F-ADEF-406F86C1F70B",
            Recalls: 5,
        "WDDGF8AB8EA940372": &Car{
            Model:   "2014 Mercedes-Benz C300W4",
            BrandID: "57B7B707-4357-4306-9FD6-1EDCA43CF77B",
            Recalls: 4,

    // Create new dict and initialize with vins map.
    d := dict.New(vins)

    // Add a couple more VINs.
    d.Set("1N4AL2AP4BN404580", &Car{
        Model:   "2011 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5 S CVT",
        BrandID: "003096EE-C8FC-4C2F-ADEF-406F86C1F70B",
        Recalls: 2,
    d.Set("4T1BE46K48U762452", &Car{
        Model:   "2008 TOYOTA Camry",
        BrandID: "C5764FE4-F1E8-46BE-AFC6-A2FC90110387",
        Recalls: 5,

    // Check current total
    fmt.Println("Total VIN Count:", d.Len())

    // Print VINs that have 3 or more recalls
    for item := range d.Items() {
        car, ok := item.Value.(*Car)
        if !ok {
            continue // Not a Car
        if car.Recalls < 3 {
            continue // Not enough recalls
        fmt.Println("VIN:", item.Key)