
Programming language: Go
License: MIT License
Latest version: v2.0.0

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Easy-to-use CUI for fixing git conflicts

I never really liked any of the mergetools out there so I made a program that is somewhat easier to use.


👷 Installation


$ go get github.com/mkchoi212/fac

Or using Homebrew 🍺

brew tap mkchoi212/fac https://github.com/mkchoi212/fac.git
brew install fac

🔧 Using

fac operates much like git add -p . It has a prompt input at the bottom of the screen where the user inputs various commands.

The commands have been preset to the following specifications

Keybinding Description
w show more lines up
s show more lines down
a use local version
d use incoming version
e manually edit code
j scroll down
k scroll up
v [v]iew orientation
n [n]ext conflict
p [p]revious conflict
h, ? [h]elp
q, Ctrl+c [q]uit
[w,a,s,d,?] >> [INPUT HERE]

⚙️ Customization

The above key-bindings and various behaviors can be altered by creating a .fac.yml file in your home directory. Please refer to the [configuration README.md](./binding/README.md) for more information.

✋ Contributing

This is an open source project so feel free to contribute by

👮 License

See [License](./LICENSE)

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the fac README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.